- Arrived at the correct time for my checkup.
- I lost a pound, which is okay since I gained too much the first time.
- The baby’s heartrate is significantly slower (to be expected in the 2nd trimester), so there goes the gender by heartrate theory.
- They let the student nurse attempt to draw my blood.
- Notice I said attempt.
- After two tries, she gave up to let the nurse finish the job.
- The nurse had a bit of trouble too. Apparently the first vein just suddenly stopped producing blood after 1/2 a vial.
- She switched arms (again) and filled all 6, leaving me looking like a drug addict.
- I have an ultrasound scheduled in 4 weeks.
- This one should tell us if we can change this blog skin to another color.
- November is still forever away.
Quick Pregnancy Update