Just Heather

So this weekend is the first one in 8 weeks that isn’t packed full. We have been so busy lately with random stuff. The last couple days have been surprisingly relaxing. Of course, I have chosen to fill my time with shopping. That pleases the hubby immensely, I’m sure! To my credit, I no longer collect clutter. It is not just useless shopping to pass the time. I am actually working on Christmas. I’m nearly done with my girls and have a pretty good jump on the rest of my list.

The only thing on my calendar this weekend is an open house I am going to so I can buy 3 more gifts (and filling my frequent shopper card at the same time so I can get a free gift for me!) Next stop, Bath & Body! I got some great coupons in the mail last week. Spencer thinks it’s great since I’ll be saving money. What he doesn’t know is that I’ll actually use it to get me some things for free! I have to have bath bubbles if I am to take a bubble bath every night, right?!