Just Heather

That is how you start a phone call to report an accident in which no one is injured. You do not sob into the phone telling the girls’ mother that you were in an accident and you’re so, so sorry.

On Saturday night, my sister took my 2 oldest girls to see the Hannah Montana movie in a city an hour away from my hometown where we were staying. I receive the above mentioned phone call around 8pm. I was saying goodbye to my brother and his wife after dinner, buckling my youngest into her carseat when she called. My brother says my knees buckled and I nearly went down. I jumped in the car and raced off, apparently leaving my sister-in-law in the dust as she tried to jump in my car to go with me.

My brother called and told me to take the little one to my parents house, which I finally agreed to do against my better judgment. I just wanted to get there, 5 minutes ago. I dropped her off and raced off again, in tears.

As I approached the scene and realized it had traffic stopped on the wrong side of the highway, I started to shake. I went around the traffic and stopped in front of the officers. When I saw the car on its side, I threw up in my mouth. The sheriff helped me out of the car (at which point my knees buckled again), all the while assuring me that the girls were fine and it looked much worse than it was.

The girls were, in fact, unharmed but I’m pretty sure it looked about as bad as it was. My sis fell asleep at the wheel and went off the road. The car hit the median, flipped end over end, landed on its roof and slid a block down the highway in the wrong direction with my babies hanging upside down inside!

Their injuries include a matching scratch on their neck from the seatbelt, a bruise on Stacia’s arm where she landed after she unbuckled, and a bruise on Brenia’s knee from tripping on the highway after she climbed out of the car. My sister has a nasty bruise on her hip from the seatbelt and a bump on the head from a flying object in her passenger seat.

I’m sure there is some sort of irony in the seatbelt Miley neglected to wear in her movie saving the lives of the girls who were on their way home from watching it. It’s just lost on me right now.

I am sick. I have been sick for almost a week. I am sick enough to actually cancel my Girl Scout troop meeting today. I have only done this once before, for a car accident. I wasn’t going to make it back on time so I canceled the meeting only to find out that the school canceled all after-school activities later that day due to weather.

I had the same luck today! After making arrangements all morning to reschedule, I just found out that the school canceled today’s activities due to the weather. I could have let them make all my phone calls while I took a nap!

This school system is funny. It takes a lot of bad weather to delay school, and practically requires a blizzard to cancel altogether. However, they will cancel after school activities at the drop of a hat. I really should have known this would happen. After all, there is wet stuff on the ground. Heaven knows no one can drive when that happens.

I’m not quite sure where I fit anymore in the whole Mommy name game. Mostly, I am a stay-at-home mom, but I do work. I guess I’ve lost my work-at-home status since I leave once a week to pimp my site on network television.

Not that it matters, but it is hard to find a place for support since I defy categorization! I’m officially coining the term Miscellaneous Mom for those of us who just don’t fit.

I tend to treat this blog like a diary, only not so private. That’s the part that makes writing hard these days. Most of what is on my mind is not for public consumption. Everything else seems mundane and boring.

I could tell you all about Girl Scout cookie sales and how I blackmailed the troop parents into a cookie mom by threatening to skip the sale altogether and charge $100 per girl to make up for the funds. I could tell you about the ice skating field trip we had planned for tomorrow for my other Girl Scout troop only to find out today that they don’t actually have public skate tomorrow. Nevermind that we verified the date with them 3 times. They suddenly have a hockey tournament that was scheduled months ago. Go figure.

I was excited about my scrapbooking retreat for next week, but I’m not sure all the pictures I wanted for my projects will arrive on time. I don’t know how fun 2 days away with strangers will be if I’ve got nothing to do. I am still trying to finish the girls’ baby albums, but I like to have variety so I can change things up when I start getting stressed or tired.

That seems to be a permanent state these days. I’m not sleeping, I have too much on my mind and I don’t know how to process it all. Since I don’t have an outlet for pounding it out it just stays bottled until I blow up. Then I get to stuff it back in again until next time…

My kids crack me up on a regular basis. There is something about Brenia, especially, that just makes me laugh all day long. It’s probably a good thing since when she isn’t making me laugh she’s likely doing something to piss me off.

We are having trouble getting her diet figured out. We saw massive behavioral improvements when we went gluten free. This fall, we pinpointed the red dye issue. Even Brenia started to see the correlation. Now when she takes candy she isn’t supposed to have, she leaves the red ones behind!

I actually think she has some sort of problem with processed sugar. She’s not diabetic or anything—it’s more behavioral than medical. She honestly gets out of control when she has had any sugar. I don’t mean hyper. I mean it’s like a switch is flipped on her attitude. She gets mean, angry and lashes out over nothing.

When we skip the sugar, she is a sweetheart. If I could afford all organics, we’d definitely go with that for the entire household. It’s not sugar that is the problem because she can handle cane juice or organic sugars. It is the processing involved in so much packaged crap.

In between sugary, meltdown treats I give you this:

  • “I’m the smartest kid I ever thought!”
  • “Stacia, stop being such a smartiac!”
  • “Mommy, I have bunches of boogers in my nose. Can I please have a tissue?”
  • “Hey, mom! Can I have that half-eaten cookie off the platter? That one’s mine.”

I have been actively reading, but not commenting or posting to my own blog lately. It has been a combination of activities, stress and taboo topics, but here are a few highlights:

  • Kids grow too fast.
  • Toddler + laptop = broken shift key
  • I have something huge I would so love to share, but it has to be a secret for the foreseeable future. I know there are people who read here that have contact with my family (plus, on very rare occasions my family actually reads for themselves). It’s nothing bad, quite the opposite, but it needs to be kept from them for now.
  • It’s super easy to lose touch with old friends, but not very much fun. It makes it hard emotionally to lose those connections. I’ve recently reconnected with a few people from my past. I’m so glad to be back in touch with people I was once close to.
  • Speaking of emotional, my grandma died 4 years, 2 weeks and 2 days ago today. It doesn’t get easier.
  • If I never had to see my mother-in-law again, it would be entirely too soon. Unfortunately, never comes on Saturday.
  • The wee one is officially up to the 50th percentile, and just when I start to wonder if it is coincidence or if the gluten free diet is truly worth it, a box of Girl Scout cookies confirms the lifestyle.
  • Potty training a toddler with GI issues is next to impossible.
  • Potty training a toddler who refuses to wear diapers and takes hers off every chance she gets is completely necessary.
  • This list is less random than I thought.
  • My new 40-before-40 list is totally random, but not yet full. I’m only about halfway to 40. Then I can start chipping away at crossing them off.

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people come through the exit of a fast food restaurant and then slide into the drive-thru lane like they didn’t just cut in front of you. Today I went to Wendy’s for the first time in quite awhile. Now I remember why—it’s not really faster!

Brenia yelled, “That’s an exit stupid-head!” so I should probably be more careful about how I react. It reminded me of the time I ran into another driving pet peeve when Stacia was 3. I was behind some idiot at a light. We end up going to the same store and my dear, sweet daughter yells across the parking lot, “Green means go, moron!”

Luckily, in both situations, the other party didn’t actually hear my children’s road rage.

Do we have anything we can put peanut butter on? ~Brenia