Today is the third day in a row I have woken up with a splitting headache. When your day starts with pounding coming from inside your head, you know it’s all downhill from there. I’ve been sick as a dog for 5 straight weeks* and I—in all my brilliance—decide that this would be a great week to finish our Sounds of Music Try-It during our Brownie meeting yesterday. Can you say ouch? 23 1st graders pounding the shit out of homemade drums and maracas does something for a headache Tylenol will never touch.
*No, I haven’t gone to the doctor yet. It’s a freaking cold people. It started with an ear infection and slight cough after Christmas. Then the ear infection went away, but the cough lingered for a week. Week 3 brought a cold so the cough decided to hang out and help me expunge the phlegm. The cough tried to fade during Week 4, but the cold became sinus problems and another ear infection. The antibiotics for both—naturally—caused a yeast infection. All of which is forming a militia with which to hunt me down, but none of which is actually life threatening. Therefore, I will not be lugging a toddler into the doctor’s office when I’m tired, pissy, and over-medicated inviting further sickness into our home via the munchkin. /rant
What a crappy 5 weeks! But, hopefully, it can only go up from here!!
Ummm sorry? Sounds like all of your “ends” have been ill….here to hoping they are on the mend@!
Sounds like severe depletion of chocolate. I prescribe lots of chocolate. Even better, little chocolate liquor bottles.