Just Heather
An ANBOW post just for me

As I celebrate the 4th anniversary of my 24th birthday, I thought it would be fun to look over the last year or 28.

Things I have learned:

  • I will never stop missing my grandma.
  • Love isn’t all you need—you also need a deep commitment to standing by that love through all the crap that comes your way.
  • No matter how well you think you know your children, they will never stop surprising you.
  • That’s a good thing.
  • Taking time for me is not a guilty pleasure—it’s an absolute necessity.
  • Needing time away from my children does not make me a bad mother (okay, so I’m still learning this one).
  • Having a community—both here and in real life—is important.
  • Merging the two completely rocks.

Things I have accomplished:

  • starting a successful business
  • maintaining my sanity (mostly) while leading a Brownie troop of 24 first graders
  • stopping my mother-in-law from calling 3 times a day
  • spiritual growth
  • actually writing in my blog

Things I will do today:

  • pretend to wear a crown
  • pretend I’m not getting closer to 30
  • get my nose pierced (If I write it down will that keep me from chickening out?)
  • remind myself why I don’t want a tattoo
  • have a nice dinner with my family
  • eat dessert
  • take a long bubble bath

6 Responses to “An ANBOW post just for me”

  1. Happy Birthday Heather! Hope it’s a great one!

  2. Happy Birthday Heather!

    Don’t forget to pierce Spencer’s nose with a chicken (Or something like that)!

  3. Did you do it?! I want a picture!!

  4. Damn, Happy B-Day!

    Just console yourself with the fact you’re not an old fart like me!

    Enjoy the bubble bath and other b-day treats!

  5. Hey, I’m a heather too. I just came upon your website. How did you create this? Please email me. I am a mom of 3, 2 dogs, a bunny and a hamster and hubby of course.

  6. My email is hunterbrooksbanks@hotmail.com . I don’t know if it showed that or not.
