Just Heather
Native Anywhere

Someone just stopped me—in the middle of the road, driving my car— to ask me for directions to the new mall. Sure. No problem. I can give you directions to every mall in the Indy area—not that I spend a lot of time there or anything. What struck me as odd is how often this happens to me.

It doesn’t even matter where I am. In my hometown. In Chicago. At the grocery store. On vacation in New York City. I get asked for directions everywhere I go. Apparently I look like I’m at home anywhere. Then again, how many people sit in a plaza eating lunch alone, reading a magazine on vacation in NYC?

I think the funniest part of it is that I have absolutely no sense of direction. None whatsoever. Just ask my husband. If you ask me, I’m always facing north. So why do people naturally assume I know where I’m going? Most of the time, I don’t even know where I am.

5 Responses to “Native Anywhere”

  1. People must be able to sense that I’m directionally retarded – I hardly ever get asked for directions. I get lost so often it’s ridiculous. They really should take away my license.

  2. Just do what I do – act all knowledgeable and give them elaborate instructions with lots of left and right turns, over bridges, “look for the second McDonald’s not the first,” and just totally make it up. They thank you profusely and you go on about your day . . .

  3. Are you wearing a nametag or a sign that says “ask me for directions?” Everywhere we go Laura gets asked if she works there.. EVERYWHERE.

  4. You must just have a friendly face. 😉

    I need to check out this new mall. Of course, I bet I can’t afford to buy much of anything there, but now that it’s nice out….

  5. You must just have a friendly face. 😉

    I need to check out this new mall. Of course, I bet I can’t afford to buy much of anything there, but now that it’s nice out….
