Just Heather
“I hate how fake Hollywood is.”

On Thursday I hosted a CBS News crew in my home. They interviewed me about my coupon use and my business, filmed me with hubby and the girls, and followed me on a shopping trip. I think it went well. Who knows what it will look like once they edit the 2 hours of film down to a short Consumer Alert segment, but it was fun anyway.

It was a strange experience. Sometimes I took direction from the producer. Sometimes the reporter chimed in. Surprisingly, a lot of times the cameraman had his own ideas. I had a great time working with all of them, though I’m pretty sure the sound guy knows a bit more about me than he wanted to.

The shopping trip was a kick. They had approval to film, but once we got there we were told we could only film down the one aisle they had prepared. Too bad I didn’t need beans. We did talk the manager into switching to the promotional aisle since it had the sale items I actually needed, but we had to wait for them to clean it up and face all the products. The store also gave me my own special checkout, cashier, and bag boy. Funny how nice and helpful everyone was once the camera was rolling!

It should air on Friday night during the CBS Evening News if you want to tune in and check me it out. I think he said it would be on around 6:30.

4 Responses to ““I hate how fake Hollywood is.””

  1. Wahoo! They finally came! I’m going to make all my sisters sit around and watch it with me 🙂 I bet you looked really hott, too.

  2. Hey that is waaaaay cool, congrats!

    I was on tv once while school clothes shopping with my Mom, I was a teenager. The reporter was like “do you pay attention to pricing and value?”
    My Mom was all kinds of “consumer educated” in her response…. Me? Well I told the reporter that if I didnt “get all I could” then its just more for my SPOILED baby brother!

    Mom just rolled her eyes…..

  3. Who was the reporter? How exciting!

  4. Sounds interesting. Post the video when it airs.
