Just Heather
It’s a girl!

We had the gender identification ultrasound today. I’ll post pics over at the baby’s blog as soon as they get scanned. I guess I can start calling the baby her now instead of “the baby” or the infamous “it.”

No disappointment here, only mild amusement at Spencer surrounded by all those girls. The girls both wanted a boy since they each have a sister already. I guess I was sort of hoping for a boy, but only because we’ve had the full name picked out for a hundred years. Well, 8 years anyway.

Now begins the 4 month battle for Lorelai’s middle name. So head on over to hubby’s place and tell him that Lorelai Raine is a beautiful name for our newest little one. Unless you don’t like it, in which case you can shut your trap.

5 Responses to “It’s a girl!”

  1. Actually, it’s Lorelai.

  2. Yay for 3 girls!! Lorelai Raine has a nice ring to it 🙂

  3. What a beautiful name!

  4. It is a beautiful name. (and you can tell him I said so..)

  5. Congratulations! And I love the name…
