Just Heather

My girls are allowed to choose their own outfits each day so long as they are weather appropriate. I have threatened to lay out Stacia’s clothes recently since she keeps leaving the house in short sleeves. Why do I have to remind her that it is winter when there is snow on the ground?

Last week, Brenia insisted her pink shoes matched the red dress she had chosen because pink is made from red. How do you argue with that?

Today she is wearing a fancy purple dress with gold & pink polka dots. The tights she has paired it with are blue with red, green & yellow polka dots. Because polka dots match polka dots.

There’s just no competing with that logic.

One Response to “Reason”

  1. Heather, that is just the funniest post ever. I am DYING to know if the new baby is a boy or a girl. I LOVE boys, but would love to start buying little girl dresses. We’ll see!
