It was tough to narrow down all my Blissdom photos to just one per day. I wish I could say that about the rest of the week. I completely, totally missed Monday—I was still in mourning. I questioned myself all week about how to order the photos after that. Do I skip number 39 or just keep number until I get to 365? I decided to go with good enough—otherwise, this project could last forever.
- Day 33: Indiana (Yes, I forgot to take a picture again.)
- Day 34: Road Trip to Bliss
- Day 35: My Roomie at Blissful Bites & Bubbles
- Day 36: HCJ’s smile is pure bliss!
- Day 37: I love this gal!
- Day 38: Go Colts!
- Day 40: The girls’ poor, little snowman
- Day 41: Yet another pet pic because everyone was sleeping.
- Day 42: My Personal Bliss (Subtitle: Depth of field experiment – my 1st manual mode photo)