Just Heather

It was tough to narrow down all my Blissdom photos to just one per day. I wish I could say that about the rest of the week. I completely, totally missed Monday—I was still in mourning. I questioned myself all week about how to order the photos after that. Do I skip number 39 or just keep number until I get to 365? I decided to go with good enough—otherwise, this project could last forever.

A week of Snuggie kids, not getting dressed and letting my 4-year-old make her own breakfast? In my defense, I’m currently working a lot and still on west coast time.

stays on the internets! It was actually harder than expected to be sure I took a picture each day in Vegas. It wasn’t always me behind the camera, plus we tended to take a ton of pictures one day then just wander around without our camera the next. I actually missed yesterday completely—we spent the day traveling home. I meant to take a picture of the new Indy airport and completely forgot. I did get an iPhone picture from the airplane, though, so I guess my streak is still in effect!

Okay, so we’re 2 weeks into the year and I’m already forgetting to take pictures. This week’s Project 365 turned into Sokol Family Nightlife since I would panic somewhere between 8 and 10 pm that I forgot to take a picture!

I am definitely not the photographer that some fabulous ladies around the blogosphere are, but I love to take pictures. I’m more of a scrapbooker (although, try telling that to the abandoned supplies in my craft closet). My new(ish), really awesome camera has been a lot of fun to have and produce fantastic portraits of my girls, but I’ve realized recently that I’m not taking as many random snapshots as I did when my camera fit into a purse. I have jumped on board with Project 365—a picture a day for 2010 (because I just don’t have enough projects around here) in hopes of getting back into the habit of recording everyday life. And, after that very wordy introduction, I present our first week of the year for Wordless Wednesday: