Just Heather
My True Resolutions for 2012

Thanks to Trop50 for sponsoring this post on my New Year’s resolutions as part of their Trop5 True Resolutions project. Trop50 juice beverage contains 50 percent less sugar and calories, and no artificial sweeteners. Which made our New Year’s Day mimosas even better!

I’ve never been one to make normal New Year’s resolutions. My favorite was the year I vowed to take a bubble bath every night! I totally didn’t mind keeping that one, and I still enjoy a bubble bath at least 3-4 times per week. For the last few years, I’ve made a to-do list for the year instead of resolutions, but I didn’t get very far with last year’s list.

So, this year I’m changing things up a bit. I love the idea of resolutions—there’s nothing wrong with working to better yourself or setting goals for the year. It’s just that traditional resolutions so easily fail. Even with the best of intentions, the New Year’s goals most people set are ignored by February. And, I think I’ve figured out why.

They aren’t SMART goals—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and within a Time Limit. Resolutions that fit these principals will be easier to keep. That’s why I’m revising a few traditional resolutions, to set specific goals for myself this year.

Common resolution: Be more eco-concious.
My resolution: Build a rainwater barrel.
Each year, we make an extra effort to reduce our environmental impact even more. This year, I want to focus on the rainwater barrel. I’ve wanted to do this for years—hello! Free water for the lawn & garden—but I just keep putting it off. I’ve seen a few simple tutorials on Pinterest lately, so I think it’s time to tackle this project.

Common resolution: Eat healthier.
My resolution: Plant a garden.
Having fresh veggies right outside the door helps keep me on track with a food group I’d prefer to ignore. We didn’t get a garden planted last year—time just got away from us. This year, I plan to get a jump on it early. We’ll get out there in March and clear the overgrown weeds from the garden. Then, it will be ready for tilling, new soil and compost in time for planting season.

Common resolution: Lose weight.
My resolution: Lose 10 more pounds.
I worked hard through most of last year to set fitness goals, eat healthier and lose weight. I lost a total of 25 pounds, but I am still a bit shy of my 40×40 goal. I think another 10 more pounds should do it, and I wanted to set a time limit. Since I need a new swimsuit, I figure that’s as good a time as any. I’ll know my final clothing size just in time for swimsuit season.

Common resolution: Get out of debt.
My resolution: Pay an extra $1000 per month towards our debt snowball.
We’ve made just about all the budget cuts we can. Now, it’s up to increasing our income, which we’ve been steadily working on for the last several months. Most of that paid for Christmas, since we hadn’t done a good job saving throughout the year. For 2012, we will set aside more money each month for the holidays, then put the rest of our extra income towards our debt.

Common resolution: Spend more time with family.
My resolution: Start a regular game night.
Last year, one of my goals was to schedule a family fun day once per month. The girls loved it, and we experienced new things they’d never done before. However, as we’re working on our debt snowball, the family fun budget has to go. In its place, we will do at home fun days each month. Movie nights are a favorite, but I want to get them more involved. We had a blast playing games on New Year’s Eve and again the other night with the hubby’s sister. We played board games, Just Dance, Wii Pictionary—and I loved every minute of it. I want to capture some of that all year long.

Common resolution: Help others.
My resolution: Sponsor a child.
I’ve thought of this off and one, but over the last few weeks I’ve felt really convicted. Not only do I need to share our blessings, but I need to teach my girls how many we truly have. They need to see that this is not how the rest of the world lives. And, they need to see that we can make a difference in someone else’s life.

Common resolution: Get organized.
My resolution: Reorganize the pantry & fridge.
There are so many things I could have picked. I’m a hot mess, and the whole house needs an overhaul. We need serious paperwork help, the bedroom is a disaster, and the office looks like a bomb went off. But, I’m choosing to focus on food organization. The reorganization will include an “anytime” shelf that should help the girls gain some much needed control over what they eat.

I know that’s a lot, but it’s all very specific and manageable. I can do this. And, I’m looking forward to seeing where I am at the end of the year. Plus, I’ll be blogging the results along the way. Check back Monday as I rejoin the Mamavation Sistahood and step on a scale for the first time in a long while!

Trop50 True Resolutions celebrates the reasons behind New Year’s resolutions. Share the secret motivation behind your resolution to earn a coupon for $1 off Trop50 for yourself and 50¢ off coupons for your friends. Plus, enter the sweepstakes to win a $1000 gift card.

I was compensated for this review, but all opinions (and my 2012 goals!) are entirely my own.

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