Just Heather

I love that she can’t tell time yet. It allows things like this to actually work:
Me: You don’t have to sleep, but you do have to lay in your bed until 3.
Her: I don’t want to lay in my bed until 3!
Me: I’m sorry. It is quiet time. You have to lay in your bed until 3.
Her: But I want to lay in my bed until 4!
Me: Okay!
Her: Thanks, Mommy.

Now, she will quietly count the minutes until she falls asleep, and I will sadly count the days until she knows that 4 is longer than 3. I’m such a mean mommy.

Alternate title: Lost.

That’s how I feel sometimes—like I’ve lost myself to this person people keep calling Mom. I’m no longer Heather—I’m Mrs. Sokol, Stacia’s Mom, Brenia’s Keeper, Lorelai’s Milk Jugs—but what about me? Am I still in there somewhere?

Last year’s piercings were a half-hearted attempt to reassert myself as an individual. I can do this because I want to. It was something that wasn’t wrapped up in my children, wasn’t dependent on s0meone else’s schedule or approval—it was all mine. Last week I died my hair red for the same reason. It almost turned out purple and I think I might have enjoyed that even more. It’s finally settled into an auburn of sorts. Clearly not natural, definitely unique—it’s all my own.

Next year, maybe I’ll get a tattoo—just kidding, Mom!

I feel like a caterpillar. I’ve spent the last 8 years cocooned in motherhood—nursing babies, changing diapers, cleaning bodily fluids, driving carpool, cheering at soccer games, filming musical performances—that I sort of got lost in there. I can’t even remember who I used to be or what it was I did. I know there was something—I didn’t spend my first 20 years waiting to be a mom. It just sort of happened.

I came out the other side completely transformed. My interests became their interests. My life became theirs. My happiness was suddenly dependent on the well-being of these little creatures who call me Mom. Yet, I don’t feel like a butterfly. I just feel lost. I keep searching for me. Waiting for things to go back to normal, whatever that may be.

Becoming a parent changes you. That much I knew going in. What I didn’t truly get was that the change is permanent! I think somewhere in the back of my mind I thought I’d get the kids in school and go back to being Just Heather. Except, I don’t know her anymore.

If I could just glimpse a few pieces of who I used to be, maybe I’ll finally see the beauty of it all.

Hi, my name is Lorelai. I’m a pacifierholic.

To the ever-growing list of things I never thought I’d say before I had children:

Get that out of your mouth—it’s been up Lorelai’s nose!

If you want to know why I am currently surrounded by 8 industrial fans and 2 dehumidifiers, you should let Brenia tell you in her own words. It has been a rough couple of days, but at least I didn’t have to cook dinner Thursday night—every pan in my house was filled with water in the living room floor!

We are looking at several thousand dollars worth of cleanup and repairs (most of which will, thankfully, be covered by our insurance), but at least the bathroom floor the girls had already destroyed is being replaced! It also gave my hubby the motivation he needed to remove the bathtub that hasn’t been used since it cracked several months ago.

I’m choosing to make lemonade here. I’m squeezing really, really hard, but those lemons are starting to juice.

I flusheded and flusheded and flusheded the toilet. Then the water all falled out!

I just discovered my oven was not made for real moms. It has this utterly ridiculous feature that causes the timer to shut off if it has been beeping for more than a minute. So hypothetically speaking, if you should have a child hanging off one boob and another refusing to take her nap when you happen to hear the timer in the background, by the time you would actually be free to retrieve your lunch the incessant beeping will have ceased causing you to completely forget about it.

I had the brilliant idea to skip buying the cheap, crappy paper Valentine cards this year in favor of creating our own for Stacia to take to school. This sounded like a great idea to use up the little plastic Stampin’ Up baggies I had leftover from a business and to get the way-too-tempting candy I bought during triple coupons out of the house.

She was supposed to bring a Valentine “mailbox” for collecting her classmates Valentine’s. I thought it would be great to use an oatmeal box, which required emptying the oatmeal. This, naturally, requires me to make No Bake Cookies. This all sounded like a great idea in my head before I had 4 kids (mine plus one) in the house all needing something from me at the same time.

Then there’s always option 2: dumping the box of oatmeal on the floor in an attempt to remove it from the pantry with a child on one shoulder and 3 in the next room covered in stamp ink. I did manage to stop the spillage with enough leftover for this recipe:

2 c sugar
1/2 c milk
1/2 stick margarine
1/4 c cocoa
1/2 c peanut butter
3 c oat
1 tsp vanilla

Boil first 4 ingredients for 1 full minute. Add vanilla and peanut butter until creamy. Stir in oats. Mix well then drop by spoonfuls onto wax or parchment paper.