Just Heather

I just told Mommy “poopy!” like I always do when it’s time to change my diaper. Mommy checked and was so happy that I wasn’t dirty yet. We ran to the potty, and she helped me climb on. I sat and sat and sat and sat and then I pooped! It was so fun to flush the potty instead of sitting in stinky pants. Mommy is very happy! I happy too!

I can’t wear any of my clothes and have gained twice as much weight as my doctor says I should have. Yet people just keep saying “you don’t even look pregnant!” Is that supposed to be some sort of compliment? Um, thanks. Good to know I just look fat.

Pregnancy dreams are just plain weird. They are a strange mix of reality, books I’ve read, and the blog community. Lately my dreams have been every day life sort of things so I wake feeling like I never slept. Twice in the last week they have been about a blogger. I think it was something I read, knowing he was hurting, and wanting to reach out in some way. So I just weaved him into my unreality while I was sleeping.

The blog community is funny that way. I have lots of blogs that I read regularly, almost daily, and a few of those who I truly consider friends. Should they call, email or IM me I would put my own crap on hold to help however I could. If I reference something they said it’s always “my friend.” I think and pray about them regularly. When they are away from their blog for a bit, I worry and wonder how they are doing. If you think you’re one of them, you probably are.

But back to my dreams (it’s all about me!) The most restful I have slept in months was last week when I dreamed that we fell asleep together. On his couch (from a book). In a snowstorm (another book). After eating ice cream (actually happened). I awoke well-rested and full, but a little bit cold.

Brenia doesn’t like to wear pants or shorts anymore. She tells me she wants to wear dresses like “Rella.” I keep telling her if she wants to dress like a princess, she’ll have to learn to sit like one. Clearly, she doesn’t pay any attention to that.  I had to buy her 3 new sundresses because she kept wearing the same dress every day, even though it was dirty and there were plenty of other clothes to wear.

  • Arrived at the correct time for my checkup.
  • I lost a pound, which is okay since I gained too much the first time.
  • The baby’s heartrate is significantly slower (to be expected in the 2nd trimester), so there goes the gender by heartrate theory.
  • They let the student nurse attempt to draw my blood.
  • Notice I said attempt.
  • After two tries, she gave up to let the nurse finish the job.
  • The nurse had a bit of trouble too. Apparently the first vein just suddenly stopped producing blood after 1/2 a vial.
  • She switched arms (again) and filled all 6, leaving me looking like a drug addict.
  • I have an ultrasound scheduled in 4 weeks.
  • This one should tell us if we can change this blog skin to another color.
  • November is still forever away.

Baby.Sokol has been updated for those of you interested in my gestational activities.

For the rest of you—still pregnant. Move along.

I showed up for my doctor’s appointment today—about 24 hours early! When I realized I had the day wrong I knew we had a problem. Tomorrow is Stacia’s last day of school, which brings afternoon parties and early dismissal. The receptionist cancelled the appointment and rescheduled me like she does it every day. Then I realized, with the idiocy pregnancy brings on, she probably does!

Stacia’s last day of school is Thursday. Part of me is excited about it. The early morning rush will be gone. The homework deadlines no longer my responsibility. PTO meetings on hold and after school activities on break for summer. The feeling of relaxation I will have next week has no comparison. I expect it to last about a day and half. That’s when the these-kids-are-here-all-day freak out will occur. I’m great at planning activities when necessary. I’m not so great at spur of the moment “I’m so bored” ideas. I think I shall spend some time next week before that hits planning a list to pull from.

Girl Scout Day Camp is in 3 weeks so that will be an easy week. Soccer Camp is the week after that. Then 2 straight months of all me! I wish I had a fence so I could just open the door and usher them out. As it stands, if I want to send the munchkin out Mommy has to go too. I’m not much of an outdoor person. Though if we can ever get the wireless network going, I might do alright. Now if only ESPN News were piped into the backyard.