Just Heather

When the girls created their summer fun list, I knew they were overly ambitious. I was clear that we wouldn’t get to some of it, but I had high hopes that they would have a fun summer anyway. Over the last 2 months, I launched my business nationwide, took a (somewhat) spur of the moment business trip to Chicago and was diagnosed with diverticulitis (don’t look it up—it’s gross). Because I am lazy very busy, we have pretty much neglected the summer fun list in favor of staying home where I can work as well as recuperate. On an up note, my 3-year-old is learning many wizard spells courtesy of our Disney Channel marathons. That has to count for something. (Shutup.)

With less than 3 weeks until school begins, it’s time to dust off the list and have some fun. In true slacker staycation-style, we’re kicking off with PJ Day. I like this because I pretty much stay in pajamas all day anyway it allows for crossing off multiple items with out getting dress minimal effort leaving the house oh, screw it, it’s because I’m lazy. The girls very carefully selected their pajamas tonight since they’ll be wearing them for 24 hours. I grabbed the first only clean set I could find. They’re already planning breakfast—pancakes a la Stacia. Which is fine with me because it teaches her valuable responsibility (it totally does!) and it’s one less meal for me to cook.

We’re throwing in crafts (#31), a movie marathon (#36) and possibly even board games (#39), but I don’t think my idea of calling it our “big sleepover” (#6) is going to fly. I’ve also decided to shoot for crossing off a back-to-school item since I did promise the girls baking. I have blueberries and bananas for muffins, which we’ll freeze (mostly) for breakfasts. Having fast, easy breakfast on hand is pretty much the only way my kids get to eat in the mornings when we’re rushing off to school. I don’t really do mornings. However, I do clean up nice (cue gratuitous photo of me looking fabulous at the Mommy Needs a Cocktail party):

At least I know I’m not alone. Ever.