Just Heather

We hit Six Flags Great America over Labor Day weekend. It was not my first choice, and it will be my last choice from here on out. I suggested Holiday World since it is more in line with my budget, but it was the weekend of the wedding that wasn’t so we all deferred to my sister’s wishes. She wanted to get far away, and Chicago was apparently far enough. And, since my dad announced he was paying, my budget no longer mattered. Though, we did manage to come out over $100 poorer.

We had dinner at Medieval Times on Saturday night. This was my first time (even though my entire family insisted it wasn’t) and I thought it was a lot of fun. Next time, though, I’m bringing silverware. Stupid forkless medieval era. Our knight was not only the hottest one there, but he was the champion and hero of the story. Of course, as soon as I realized he was way hotter than any of the others, I knew that would be the case!

The next day, we visited Six Flags from open to close. I was not impressed. I had intended to write about it when I got home, but life got in the way and it didn’t seem that important. Today, with temperatures in the 50’s, I decided to don my new Six Flags hoodie (thanks, Mom!) and it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The darn security tag hangs prominently from the hood! So now, in my renewed anger, I share with you The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of our trip.

The Good

  • They were more than friendly and accommodating when it came to bringing food for my gluten-free vegetarian. There was nothing she could eat anywhere in the park so I packed a cooler which they labeled “Approved for Medical Use” without question.
  • The park is chock full of great roller coasters. I was completely terrified on each of them, but for the most part they were a lot of fun.
  • The adorable capes for kids were only $5!
  • My first vending stop resulted in huge savings. Even though I told the cashier twice that mine were new souvenir cups, he rang us up for 2 refills. I didn’t realize it until after he handed me my receipt. Score!

The Bad

  • My dad may not have saved any money over a wedding. Everything costs extra—$170 for 7 Flash Passes to bypass lines, $15 for a locker, $13 for a tube that it turns out you don’t actually need to ride water slides…
  • $15 parking—seriously?!
  • Once it got dark, the bathroom areas were poorly lit. It was a bit scary heading off the path into darkness.
  • My dad lost another pocket knife at security check. They missed the full size scissors my sis carries in her diaper bag, but somehow the 2-inch pocket knife my dad carries on his keychain was a threat to park security. What a joke.
  • They didn’t actually sell the pink capes in stores. Hubby had to play a lame version of the strong man game to get 3 of them.

The Ugly

  • I finally found a deodorant that would last throughout a hot day in the sun. I’m putting it here because it is prescription strength and costs nearly $10! After 3 kids, my body chemistry is just not the same and I was worried about the long day. This stuff rocked, but the sticker shock nearly flattened my budget-minded body. I used a coupon though so we’ll call the balance “medically necessary” and move on.
  • The Iron Wolf roller coaster pretty much sucked. It wasn’t fun. It wasn’t scary. It was just painful. The ride is rough, the seats were wide enough to bruise me in places I’d rather not mention and I left with a headache from being bounced against the shoulder rests repeatedly. Never again.
  • I, naturally, spilled on my shirt at lunch. My mom whips out her handy Tide To Go pen, which removed the ketchup, but left a stain of its own in its place. It didn’t come out in the wash. I had no idea that could happen.
  • Speaking of shirts, did I mention they left the stupid security tag on my new hoodie?!

This morning before my meeting at the news station, I panicked about the fact that I have never been on a job interview before. I am 30 years old and I have never had a real and actual job interview. I got all my jobs because I knew someone who knew someone, and then I became a stay at home mom.

I wonder if I can use that term now. Starting next Friday I have a job as a morning news weekly contributor on the subject of savings and coupons. I will have a 3-4 minute segment each week, primarily discussing the top 5 deals of the week and directing viewers to my own website for more information. It is basically a big advertisement for my business, only they are going to pay me.

They want to come up with a name for me and/or my show. I need something catchy, but I’m drawing a blank. I did suggest Smart Shopper or Shopping Smart, from a previous comment, which they liked but we’re still brainstorming. I also came up with Good Buy Girl, which seems fun though I don’t know if they’ll go for the Neil Simon wordplay.

I’m still kind of in shock over how quickly this is all happening. I am excited, and I’m sure the nervous part will come next week. My mom reminded me that if I can handle the national evening news, I can do this. The difference is this is live and being local actually makes it more important to my business. I have 9 more days to panic so for now I’m just enjoying the excitement—and the idea of a paycheck—not to mention the fact that my father actually seems proud of me.

While packing for my trip this week, I asked someone to grab a train and a baby doll for Lorelai so she would have some of her favorites to keep her entertained. We’re going to be here all week and she is used to having two cabinets full of toys at her disposal.

The hubby said he took care of it so I crossed it off my list. We got to camp, and I opened my bag to pull out a talking dog—and nothing else.

Apparently, baby + train = dog

Who knew?

I left a few weeks ago to spend a fabulous 5 days with my newborn nephew. I left hubby in charge of the 3 kids and took off. I had this thought in my head that he might realize I don’t have it all that easy. I think he had this thought in his head that a week with a newborn would make me want another of my own.

It was a big negative on both counts. I really enjoyed my nephew and he’s a great baby, but it’s pretty spectacular to hand him over to Mom whenever he cries, poops or wakes up in the middle of the night. I’ve never had that before as I’m always Mom. I also know my own mistake—I made it too easy for him.

I had all the laundry done and the house clean before I left. I planned the meals, purchased the food and wrote out the recipes before I left. I wrote out an easy to read schedule of where our kids needed to be when and what they needed to bring. I wrote out a daily schedule of our kids’ routines and activities.

Basically, I laid it all out for him. No one tells me when to take Stacia to soccer. No one tells me what time Lorelai takes her nap. No one tells me what time Brenia eats her meals and snacks. The hardest part of this motherhood thing is figuring it all out—even when it changes on a daily basis. He got to skip that part.

Something tells me he wouldn’t find it quite so easy if I simply packed my own stuff and took off for a few days. Some place warm, maybe. Like a beach, far far away. Where margaritas flow like water.

Not that I’ve given it any thought.

Pacers outfit $14.99
Baby Time Capsule $17.99
Butterbean Baby Boy Scrapbook Kit $29.99
Sleeping through the 2am feeding…priceless

Three times a mommy; now, finally, an aunt:

Levi 04-19-07

I’ve been MIA in the blogging world lately. I may update now and then, but I certainly haven’t stayed on top of it nor have I spent much time with my blogroll. I have, on occasion, checked in with those I feel a more personal connection (even if I am not commenting). I didn’t realize how absent I had been until I dusted off the old blogroll and realized that some are more missing than I. Several blogs are no longer in existence. Some have moved. Some haven’t updated for many months. I updated it a bit last night and rearranged it to be alphabetized. It was previously set to recently updated, but blogroll doesn’t seem to get the memo when people update so that was a little off. I’m hoping with a little more order to it I can stay with it a little more.

It was nice to catch up with some old “friends” this week. People are very busy these days. Pesky has expanded her domestic skills to include lingerie making. Phil and Chris are embarking on a gluten free diet right along with me. Deb is as crazy as ever. Katie loves Girl Scout camping way more than I do. Rachael is living in DC but will be happy to return to small town life, I suspect. Mich is just as entrenched in the toddler years as we are. Ang is just too busy to update her damn blog.

Speaking of updates, here’s the skinny on what I’ve not been writing:

  • My little sister is pregnant and getting married (in that order).
  • I get to spend a kid-free week helping (read: playing with my nephew) since Daddy is military and can’t come home until May.
  • I laugh hysterically every time I think of hubby playing single dad for a week with 3 kids.
  • The gluten free diet goes extremely well and I’m learning to eat lunch, which was admittedly a struggle for me even before I eliminated half my diet.
  • The big two are on spring break at Camp Grandma’s.
  • Lorelai has chosen her free week to become an official toddler. She is into everything and I am exhausted!
  • Cabinet locks rock.
  • Our pediatric dentist clearly didn’t realize how hard it would actually be to remove the pacifier. I’m sure he was exaggerating the necessity.
  • I am 30. That’s all I’ll say about that.
  • I will never, ever chair Girl Scout cookie sales again so long as I live.
  • It’s too cold for soccer to start next week.
  • Webkinz games are addictive. You should all get one for your kids so you can play Dicekinz with me at night while they are sleeping.
  • He never seems to notice when I’m way over my calories for the day…
  • He insists I take my nightly bubble bath…
  • He calls during the day “just to see what I’m up to…”
  • He comes home every Tuesday so I don’t have to take my toddler to Girl Scout meetings…
  • He is uber-budget guy, but always includes “Girls Night” in his calculations…
  • He lets me sleep in every Saturday while he cooks breakfast for the girls…
  • He wants to learn to cook so he can pitch in at dinnertime…
  • He records television shows for me if I mention in passing that I thought about watching it…
  • He doesn’t laugh too much when I ask him to kill spiders…
  • He loves Star Wars now just as much as when we were kids…
  • He reads bedtime stories to our girls…
  • He is always warm and doesn’t complain when I use him as a heater…
  • He takes out the trash and mows the lawn, never once mentioning how anti-feminist it is that I don’t…
  • He always asks if I want a drink when he’s in the kitchen already…

I love him. It’s just that simple.

Today’s quote of the day brought to you by my 4-year-old, who knows nothing but a digital life, as she let the dog in from the backyard:

Hey, Mom, can you unplug Indy [the dog] so he can come play with me?