Just Heather

Brenia playing softball
The sixth week of the George Foreman Knock out the Fat Weight Loss Challenge was a busy one at our house! Between VBS, a county softball tournament and track practices, I’ve barely had time to breath—much less workout & plan proper meals. I am pretty proud of how well I managed dinner, under the circumstances.

We had to leave for Brenia’s softball games by 4:45 every night and didn’t return until 8pm. That usually means eating way off schedule, crappy concession stand food or grabbing fast food along the way. None of those were really an option for our lifestyle or budget. So, I planned a full week of sandwiches.

We had deli meats, grilled chicken, peanut butter and BLTs—that was my favorite since it was my first in many years. I used turkey bacon on gluten free bread, piled high with red lettuce & tomatoes. Each afternoon, I prepared sandwiches and packed fruit, veggies & water for everyone. Brenia ate in the care on the way to the out-of-town field. The rest of us ate on the bleachers while the team warmed up for the game.

Brenia with her softball cupcakeIt aligned perfectly with the exchanges Alysa gave me for my meal plan—I’m pretty proud of my creativity. What I noticed this week, though, is how much I eat without ever counting it. The bits of meat that drop while I’m preparing dinner. The icing I “taste” while baking cupcakes. The peanut butter I lick off the spreader while serving the girls breakfast.

It was just really noticeable this week. And, it’s a tough habit to break! One thing I need to get back to is hanging my meal plan on the fridge. For the first few weeks of the program, I printed the meal plan Alysa sent—and nothing went in my mouth without checking the list first. When I’m on schedule, I do just fine. When my routine gets thrown off, it’s easy to slide.

It’s easy to grab a handful of chips off the refreshment table at church. It’s easy to eat ice cream with the softball team, even when I already had a cupcake. It’s easy to eat more than I should, just because circumstances allow. I had a lot of extra calories last week, but I am proud that I handled dinner well. I’m also proud that I managed to turn down the ice cream at Friday’s end of season party!

In the end, I did better than I thought. I was a little nervous about this morning’s weigh-in, but I managed to lose another pound. If I had kept up my workout routines, I could have done even better. This week, I want to continue the Couch to 5K program that Stacia and I started last week and get in a bit more of Jillian’s torture & Stephanie’s circuits.

My goal for next week is to have activity levels to brag about!

Starting Weigh-In: 195 pounds
Today’s Weigh-In: 178 pounds
This Week’s Weight Loss: 1 pound
Total Mamavation Weight Loss: 17 pounds
Total Knockout The Fat Weight Loss: 10 pounds
BMI: 25.5

Sistahood Question: BRAG. What accomplishment have you done recently that brings a smile to your face?

This post is sponsored by Joggermom, and I’m writing this to be entered into a yoga mat giveaway hosted by Mamavation.

Disclosure: The George Foreman Knock out the Fat Weight Loss Challenge is a compensated program. As an ambassador for George Foreman, I received a George Foreman grill and will be paid for my time at the end of the 90 day challenge. All opinions are, as always, 100% mine!

I’ve been averaging 2 pounds per week, since beginning the George Foreman Knock out the Fat Weight Loss Challenge. This week? I only lost a single pound. That could have something to do with the fact that my poor George Foreman grill went out on me, and I’m waiting on a replacement. It truly drains an amazing amount of meat from our meals! As for the rest of my nutrition, I had a pretty decent week.

I’m continuing to use the nutrition plan Alysa mapped out at the beginning of the challenge. It’s helpful that it follows a format my family is used to. I’ve always kind of balanced carbs, proteins and vegetables for dinner—I just didn’t know the right portions to keep it healthy. We eat together every evening, so I don’t want my meal to be different from theirs. With this plan, I just work our favorites into the meal plan each evening.

There were a few ice cream treats this week, but I made appropriate changes to the day’s menu to balance it out. I also made smarter choices than I usually do—smaller sizes, for one. Hello, portion control! Nice to finally get to know you. My hope for the rest of this challenge is to really make portion control my friend—I think that’s what will help maintain my weight, once I finally reach my goal.

My fitness levels were pretty spotty this week, with some lazy days and some decent days. But, no real good days. I started to tackle the 30 Day Shred DVD but forgot to take it with me when we made a spur of the moment trip to my parents’ house. I did swim some laps at my Mom’s pool, rather than just spending our lazy day lounging around it. But, I only ran twice the whole week.

I squeezed in a mile on Saturday, which just felt pretty awful. When I saw my time, I realized I’d been pushing myself harder than I usually do. It was my 2nd fastest pace so far, which made me feel a little better about it. Last night, I began the Couch to 5K program with my teen—we set out together on the Day 1 workout.

Sometimes, we’ll go together. Others, we may each take a run on our own. I think this is going to be a good thing for a lot of reasons. Not only will we be working towards running a full 5K, but we have the chance for some bonding time. With the hubby running, too, it’s becoming a real family affair. It’s nice to have something active to do with my family, other than taking turns at the Wii Fit now & then.

Plus, I’ve officially decided on the Wine at the Line 5K—and this time, I want to run the whole thing!

Starting Weigh-In: 195 pounds
Today’s Weigh-In: 179 pounds
This Week’s Weight Loss: 1 pound
Total Mamavation Weight Loss: 16 pounds
Total Knockout The Fat Weight Loss: 9 pounds
BMI: 25.6

Sistahood Question: How often do you and your family eat meals together and get active together?

This post is sponsored by Together Counts and I’m writing this to be entered into a Qlip Any-where Pedometer giveaway hosted by Mamavation.

Disclosure: The George Foreman Knock out the Fat Weight Loss Challenge is a compensated program. As an ambassador for George Foreman, I received a George Foreman grill and will be paid for my time at the end of the 90 day challenge. All opinions are, as always, 100% mine!

Showing off my Sparkle

I ran my first ever 5K this weekend—and, I’m still a little surprised by that sentence. It isn’t like that was ever a 40×40“>life goal or anything. You’ll notice a lack of fitness goals on my 40×40 list. The only reason it was in my sights is because completing a 5K is part of the Mamavation Mom contract.

I registered for Outrun the Sun the same week I applied—because I wanted to lock myself into something, in case I wasn’t selected. So, even though I wasn’t contractually obligated to participate in a training program, exercise daily or complete a 5K, that’s exactly what I did.

Originally, I just wanted to finish it. I thought I’d walk 5K and call it a day. Then, I decided I should set a goal for myself and wanted to walk it in under an hour. Somewhere along the way, though, I made the choice to start running—okay, jogging—a bit. So, I thought I might try to finish in under 45 minutes.

I never quite got there in my training, not that I knew what I was doing with all that anyway, but I came pretty close & hoped race day adrenaline would give me a little extra boost. And, then I saw the massive pack I had to work through to even start running. Not to mention the hills. Holy crap, the hills!

I honestly thought I’d be lucky to finish in under an hour, even with the running. I run intervals, actually, with a whole lot of walking breaks in between. I did learn to pick up the pace on my walking from pre-walks with my long-legged friend, Michelle. And, I have worked on running more & more of the distance. Plus, Angie & Emily really pushed me to run more than I had planned.

With My Indy Mamavation Support Team: Chris @punkinmama, Angie @katydid6, Emily @designhermomma, Michelle @gotchababy, Julie @fairytalemom

It really helped to have friends long for the journey. When I first mentioned the 5K requirement, Michelle volunteered to walk with me for support. Then, Julie jumped on board for a walk—always the supportive friend, though I think she’s cursing me after those hills.

Finish line pics by Angie's hubby

They walked together while I ran ahead with Chris for a bit, though I wish we would have had more time to enjoy the evening together. Alas, Outrun the Sun became Outrun the Storm, and everyone rushed home. I definitely enjoyed our “training” chats walks. We’ll have to keep those up. Especially since many of us have decided to make this a regular thing.

We’re eying 5Ks throughout the year—Greek Festival, Wine at the Line and the Underground Railroad are the current front runners. I can’t say I’m in love with running, but it’s such a fast, easy way to burn lots of calories—which is how I lost 2.5 pounds this week, even though my nutrition could have been better.

I definitely made better choices than last week. Weekdays go pretty well, but there were a few moments of weakness over the weekend. Yesterday’s turtle pecan cluster blizzard definitely ranks at the top of that list. You know, because I totally earned it after finishing my first 5K in 44:11!

I’m living off salads & veggie filled sandwiches for lunch and George Foreman grilled dinners at night. Although, I did cave and make myself a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch once. They’ve been so hard to make since going gluten free—the bread is crumbly & difficult to flip. So, I’ve resorted to cooking them in my toaster oven. It is just not the same.

George Foreman Grilled Cheese

Since the George Foreman grill cooks both sides at once, I can easily make yummy, gluten free grilled cheese sandwiches—hooray! I’m going to really miss my GF this week. I’ve used it daily since it arrived 4 weeks ago, and the other day it just went out. They’re sending a new one, I believe, but I really hope this was a fluke.

Because cooking my dinner in half the usual time and watching the fat drain right off has really kinda grown on me.

I’m all set with what to cook—Alysa has armed me us with the right tools & knowledge to plan healthy, balanced meals. It’s the random treats along the way that really throw me off.

I’m totally not willing to give them up altogether. It’s simply not realistic. I just need to get better about exchanging and planning around the extras. ‘m going to watch my exchanges a little better this week, so when I hit the sweets it will be within my meal plan.

I’m also going to start the Couch to 5K program. Yes, I know, I just finished a 5K, but I want to build up to running one. I think. Either way, the training should help knock off the rest of my 40 pounds.

I’ve lost 15 so far, and I’d love to pickup the pace on the other 25.

Starting Weigh-In: 195 pounds
Today’s Weigh-In: 180 pounds
This Week’s Weight Loss: 2.5 pounds
Total Mamavation Weight Loss: 15 pounds
Total Knockout The Fat Weight Loss: 8 pounds
BMI: 25.8

Mamavation Topic: What gaps in your nutrition knowledge do you want to fill?

This post is sponsored by Omron Healthcare, and I’m writing this to be entered into a Omron Go Smart Pedometer giveaway hosted by Mamavation.

Disclosure: The George Foreman Knock out the Fat Weight Loss Challenge is a compensated program. As an ambassador for George Foreman, I received a George Foreman grill and will be paid for my time at the end of the 90 day challenge. All opinions are, as always, 100% mine!

We have just finished Week 3 of the George Foreman Knock out the Fat Weight Loss Challenge, and I’m gaining weight. I have the tools, I have the knowledge—I just need to stick to the plan! I kept up with my workouts, walked a few times with friends and ran a couple times on my own. But, I had a pretty lousy food week, proving you just can’t outrun bad nutrition.

I went out a few times and indulged in cravings a bit more than I should. By the weekend, I was making better choices and being more careful about balancing my indulgences. I just should have been paying more attention to what I was doing all week. At least, I stuck with water every time!

This week will be better because I do not want to see those numbers on the scale going up again. I have full confidence that I can do this—I know I’ll have the full 40 pounds off by the end of the year. And, confidence isn’t usually my strong suit. This time, though, it comes from the success I’ve had so far (2nd place in the MiLi challenge!) and the support I need to continue.

When I need an extra shot of confidence, I just don my favorite purple high heels. They make me feel powerful and sexy. Of course, running into people you haven’t seen in months who tell you how awesome you look doesn’t hurt either. I like when people notice and ask about my weight loss.

Because 12 pounds doesn’t sound like a lot to me, but if people can see it, I know I’m doing something right. The key is to keep doing it! I slacked a bit this last week. I had a meal plan, but I didn’t always stick to it. I had an exercise plan, but I didn’t finish all of it. This week I’m determined to follow through—especially since it’s race week!

The 5K I signed up for right after applying for Mamavation is coming up on Saturday. Originally, I just wanted to finish it. Then, I decided I’d like to finish in under an hour. And, somewhere along the way, I decided to try running some of it. I’ve been building up to it, and I’m ready for this.

I’ve even got my purple sparkle skirt to give me a little extra confidence—you know, since I can’t run in heels.

If you want to offer a little extra support for my race, I’d love if you could donate to the cause! I’m running a night race for melanoma. Outrun the Sun raises funds for skin cancer research & education, and any support you have to offer can make a difference!

Starting Weigh-In: 195 pounds
Today’s Weigh-In: 182.5 pounds
This Week’s Weight Loss: -1.5 pounds
Total Mamavation Weight Loss: 12.5 pounds
Total Knockout The Fat Weight Loss: 5.5 pounds
BMI: 26.1

Mamavation Topic: What are your go-to tricks for when you need a confidence boost?

This post is sponsored by Your Best Face and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation and sponsored by Your Best Face.

Disclosure: The George Foreman Knock out the Fat Weight Loss Challenge is a compensated program. As an ambassador for George Foreman, I received a George Foreman grill and will be paid for my time at the end of the 90 day challenge. All opinions are, as always, 100% mine!

Last week’s Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Week is bleeding right into this one. It started over Easter weekend, as we noticed our old, paralyzed dog deteriorating even further. On Monday, we had to say goodbye to Indy. He’s been with us for 14 years.

On Tuesday, the hubby had a doctor’s appointment—just a routine checkup, but he also needed to share some recent, ongoing symptoms. Which, resulted in an MRI on Wednesday to see if he had a brain tumor. (He doesn’t, but that was a scary few days, especially on the heels of our loss.)

On Thursday, the doc called—but not with the results of his MRI. Just to let him know he has high cholesterol. So, he’s now on cholesterol meds, and we’re making dietary changes. Luckily, we started that process months ago, at the beginning of Mamavation. Still, there are a few not-too-unhealthy foods he uses as lunchtime standbys that will have to go.

The weekend wasn’t too bad, really—with my Tiny Prints 4 Mom party being a major highlight! There was also a school picnic on Sunday. Both of these events generally equal indulgent dining, though I did my best to make wise choices. I’m a comfort eater, though, which means the week was filled with dessert and chocolate. I just love me some Easter candy!

But, today it became clear our rough patch is not over. I had a followup visit with the retinal specialist, to be sure my eye is remaining stable. Turns out, it’s not. The bleeding is back, and I required another shot in the eye. Yes, in my eyeball. The eyepatch is back for the week, and I’m hoping for an easier recovery this time.

I am, after all, much healthier than I was last year. I just wish my eyeballs would get on board with that plan. I tried to show them who’s boss by heading out for a salad after my appointment, instead of grabbing fast food. I even skipped the Reese’s egg I really wanted to chase it with. Though, I did snag a small handful of Easter candy corn later in the day.

With our crazy, awful week, I have over-indulged quite a bit. You know, because I deserved it! I still managed to lose a couple pounds, mostly because I tried to lose myself in exercise all week. Turns out, getting sweaty is a good stress reliever. Who knew?

I’ve got to find non-food ways to reward myself, though. I’m celebrating my weight loss with a new swimsuit this year. Corrin pointed out a few weeks ago that I deserve a good one. I’ve never felt that way before, but I have one picked out at SwimSpot.com, courtesy of an Eversave deal. I just want to wait another month or so to see where my size is.

I think for this particular journey, clothes will be my reward. So far, I have only bought a belt. I had to do something to keep my pants up, but perhaps it’s time to setup a specific reward system that fits with my goals. Of course, I had such an awesome time with Saturday’s pampering (Tiny Prints & Clever Girls really know how to throw a party!) that I’m starting to think along those lines.

A well-deserved massage. An earned mani-pedi. A special bubble bath. Granted, I take a bubble bath every, single night, but I just use whatever suds are on hand. I think I’ll start treating myself to my favorite scents or finally buy myself a bath bomb when I reach a goal.

Because I’m worth it.

Starting Weigh-In: 195 pounds
Today’s Weigh-In: 189 pounds
This Week’s Weight Loss: 2.2 pounds
Total Weight Loss: 6 pounds

This Week’s Mamavation Topic: How do you reward yourself after you have worked hard towards a goal? Do you have any pampering rewards thought out for future goals?

I wrote this blog post while participating in the Mamavation Blogging Carnival for a chance to win a Eco Ethical Skincare Basket from Tilvee.

When I started out on this journey, I had two goals—to provide a better example to my girls an lose 30 pounds. But, something happened along the way. I started noticing all these other changes—side effects of being fit, I guess.

I’m sleeping better than I have in years! No more tossing & turning, waking up tired or Ambien prescriptions. Maybe it’s because I’m flat out exhausted after working out twice each day. Still, it’s nice to fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. And, I kinda like waking up well rested.

No more cracked heels! All that water I’m drinking is making a huge difference in my whole body. I got a mani-pedi the other day, and she didn’t spend much time on my feet at all. They were already smooth & hydrated. Pretty cool since it’s usually a long time between pedicures.

The cravings are changing, too. I won’t tell you I don’t often wish for potato chips & chocolate, but the cravings are less frequent now. And, I don’t at all desire soda. Instead, I crave water throughout the day and frequently feel like I’ll die without a salad. A salad! Who knew?

I do occasionally give into the cravings, but that’s not why I’m up a pound this week. I slacked off quite a bit on my exercises. And, I had ice cream twice this weekend. I don’t really know why—I didn’t really want any, and it wasn’t all that good. But, I took the little one out for ice cream while the hubby had our older girls at the father-daughter dance. And the next day, the hubby asked me to stop for shakes while I was out.

I’m not sure why I got one for myself each time. Habit, I guess. It’s these habits I’m still struggling to break. Grabbing a snack every time I sit down to watch television. Grabbing a piece of candy each time I check-in at the chiropractor. Ordering a soda anytime we’re out to eat. I’m making progress at eliminating each habit.

Plus, I need to keep building the new, healthy habits I’ve created. The daily exercise is really toning my body & helping me drop the weight. I overdid it on Monday, then rested up a bit too much in the following days. Plus, we had a busy week, and I just wasn’t proactive enough about carving out time for fitness.

This week, I’m putting a little more focus on physical activity—and staying away from the ice cream!

Starting Weigh-In: 195 pounds
Today’s Weigh-In: 191 pounds
This Week’s Weight Loss: gained 1 pound (boo!)
Total Weight Loss: 4 pounds

When I started on this weight loss journey, I decided I would focus on making small, lifestyle changes rather than a complete overhaul—it gives me a chance to step into it and make real progress rather than diving head first into something I will fail. At the beginning of this year, I cut back on the soda. Then, I cut back a little bit more. So, when I gave it up altogether last week, I barely noticed. It’s been a week since I’ve had any, and I honestly don’t miss it.

It’s been the same with everything else—I started with 30 jumping jacks in my circuits, moved up to 50, then 60 and now I’m doing 65 per set. As for my snacking habits, I’ve cut back a lot. Both in the amount and frequency of snacks. I’m also trying to make better choices. I love salty snacks—Mike-Sell’s Zesty Barbecue chips are my downfall. But, I also love sweet snacks—hello, Reese’s!

I’m an equal opportunity snacker.

Slowly, I’m replacing my favorites with healthy options. Rather than down half a bag of chips in the middle of the day (which, I would have finished later that night!), I’ve been going with celery & peanut butter—crunchy & salty all the same. Of course, I still enjoy a chocolate treat in my bubble bath at night, but instead of grabbing a piece of candy for an afternoon pick-me-up, I’m munching on apples. Oh, Granny Smith—I do love you!

The key is keeping the right snacks on hand & avoiding the rest. I’ve got a pantry full of popcorn & fruit right now, instead of chips & candy. That means when I reach for a snack, it’s going to be a little better for me. Combine that with daily exercise, and I’m really pleased with my progress so far. I haven’t lost much weight, but I’m building muscle at the same time. My pants fit more loosely, my body is noticeably more toned and I just feel good about all of it.

That’s progress—one baby step at a time.

How to nominate me for Mamavation:

Tweet (early & often!): Hey @bookieboo! I want @JustHeather to be the next #Mamavation Mom. She has my support! http://bit.ly/aorv3Y

Facebook: Share why you think I would be a good Mamavation Mom on their Facebook wall.

Starting Weigh-In: 195 pounds
Today’s Weigh-In: 193 pounds
This Week’s Weight Loss: 1 pound
Total Weight Loss: 2 pounds

Today’s Mamavation Monday Topic: Are you a sweet or savory snacker? What do you look for in a healthy snack?

This post is sponsored by Orville Redenbacher’s Gourmet Popping Corn and by writing this I’m entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation and sponsored by Orville Redenbacher’s Gourmet Popping Corn.

One of the things on my list I’ve decided to tackle this year is losing weight. Number 4 on the 40×40 list is to get down to my “ideal” weight, which basically means a healthy BMI. I’ve got 40 pounds to go—look, another 40×40! But, that’s down 6 already from the last time I actually stepped on a scale.

Last year, I made an effort to eat healthier meals—less frying, (slightly) more veggies—but I still ate a lot of crap. Part of it was/is addiction—those Reese’s eggs are just so dang yummy—but part of it was fear. I’ve always joked that if I gave up my [number redacted] calorie-a-day Sunkist habit, I’d waste away to practically nothing. But, what if it’s not true?

What if it’s even harder than the incredibly difficult journey I already imagine?

This year, I made a tough decision on the soda issue—though I didn’t cut it out completely. I no longer keep it on hand around the house, which means the steady stream is gone. As is the addiction. I do allow myself to order soda when we’re out to dinner, and I occasionally buy myself the coveted Sunkist when I’m out & about. But, it’s no longer a daily habit.

The Sunkist bottle is no longer an accessory I carry around with me from morning to bedtime. (And, that doesn’t even touch the one I keep on my bedside table.) Now, I carry a glass of water everywhere I go. Upstairs, there’s a plastic cup on my nightstand. Downstairs, a drinking glass filled with water. In the car? A water bottle I can barely keep full.

It’s working—last week, I passed up an available Sunkist for water because that sounded more appealing—but I know I have to take it a step further, if I want to reach my goals. The ultimate goal will have me down several sizes—which is another fear. I’m half scared, half excited about this part. Where will I get the money to replace my clothes once I’ve lost even more? And, yet…shopping!! It means I’ll get to officially finish #25 too—an all new wardrobe definitely qualifies as an overhaul.

So, bravery it is—I’m doing this. But, I’ve decided I can’t do it alone if I want to get serious about it. I need the support of my family & friends. And, if I’m going to ask for your help, it means being completely open & honest. The numbers shall be revealed. The daily Sunkist habit? Totaled over 1000 calories. Yes, I meant to type all 3 zeros. And, yes, that was my daily intake.

Now, even when I do allow myself to indulge, it stops around 200 calories. I think. I just haven’t been counting. I so often eat, drink, indulge without a thought to what it means. I don’t exercise—not since my dance classed moved. I don’t run—it’s just never been an interest. And, I don’t reach the weight loss goals I set for myself.

Because I don’t really work for them. This time, it’s official—I’m going to step up, work hard and actually work out. Yes, I said that. I’ve been working out with Fit Mom Training for a week now—it’s amazing what those little bursts of time can do for your body. I’m down around a pound so far and feeling better than ever. But, I’m not spending hours at the gym or a ton of money on fitness equipment.

My workouts so far have consisted of jumping jacks, pushups, crunches, squats and a host of other at home (and free!) exercises. The circuits she has assigned each day work for me because I can throw in 15-20 minutes when I get home from school dropoff, before my shower. I can add in 15-20 minutes in the evening, before my nightly bubble bath. According to my Wii Fit, I’m getting in 45-60 minutes each day, in short bursts when I have the time.

Plus, I’m turning to my friends & family (and Bookie Boo!) to help motivate me & keep me accountable. I’m going to post the numbers (and fatty Mii) each week. I’m hoping we can all watch both of us shrink as we go along. The girls love watching me on the Wii Fit, and I’m so thrilled to provide that example for them.

They’re the how and why I’m going to be successful this time. Because, I can’t tell my girls to eat healthy and go outside & play, when I’m stuffing my face with junk & sitting on my rear all day long. I can’t teach them that the sacrifices we have to make for our gluten free lifestyle will keep us healthy, when I’m not otherwise healthy myself.

What I can do is make real, positive changes in my life.

I can workout. I can run. I can play Just Dance without getting winded! I just can’t do it all alone. Luckily, I won’t have to. The hubby has committed to doing this all with me. Whatever Mamavation throws at me? It’s his assignment too. That’s both parents in this family pushing hard for change. We can show our girls what it means to really work for something.

I can show my online network that the support we provide to one another—through one-liners, emails, Skype chats—has real, powerful meaning. I can show my friends that if I can do this, they can too. Because we’ll be in it together—each tweet, each friend, each family member will be right there with me. I’m applying to be the next Mamavation Mom and joining the Sistahood.

Can I count on your support?

How to nominate me for Mamavation:

Tweet (early & often!): Hey @bookieboo! I want @JustHeather to be the next #Mamavation Mom. She has my support! http://bit.ly/aorv3Y

Facebook: Share why you think I would be a good Mamavation Mom on their Facebook wall.

Starting Weigh-In: 195 pounds
Today’s Weigh-In: 194 pounds
Total Weight Loss: 1 pound

Today’s Mamavation Monday Topic: What time of day works best for you to be active? How do you make sure you stick to those planned workouts?

This post is sponsored by SEARS FitStudio and by writing this I’m entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation and sponsored by Sears.