Just Heather

Today is the third day in a row I have woken up with a splitting headache. When your day starts with pounding coming from inside your head, you know it’s all downhill from there. I’ve been sick as a dog for 5 straight weeks* and I—in all my brilliance—decide that this would be a great week to finish our Sounds of Music Try-It during our Brownie meeting yesterday. Can you say ouch? 23 1st graders pounding the shit out of homemade drums and maracas does something for a headache Tylenol will never touch.

*No, I haven’t gone to the doctor yet. It’s a freaking cold people. It started with an ear infection and slight cough after Christmas. Then the ear infection went away, but the cough lingered for a week. Week 3 brought a cold so the cough decided to hang out and help me expunge the phlegm. The cough tried to fade during Week 4, but the cold became sinus problems and another ear infection. The antibiotics for both—naturally—caused a yeast infection. All of which is forming a militia with which to hunt me down, but none of which is actually life threatening. Therefore, I will not be lugging a toddler into the doctor’s office when I’m tired, pissy, and over-medicated inviting further sickness into our home via the munchkin. /rant

My posts have been few and far between these last few weeks. I didn’t think you needed a series of long whiny posts about the amount of snot and phlegm being expelled from my body. The good news is that after an entire month of hacking pieces of lung, my cough seems to be waning. The bad news is Spencer is now joining me in my suffering.

On the upside, we should empty at least one more tissue box before my Brownie meeting on Tuesday. We’re making guitars!

My dentist appointment was pretty good starting, but this was the really, really, really, really, really hard part. They had to take out my teeth. One tooth, actually two teeth, while I was awake. That really hurted, actually. That really, really, really, really, really, really hurted. It was hurting so bad that it almost made me jump out of the chair. They didn’t have me strapped all the way so I could jump out of the chair. And I screamed and I went to you guys. But I really—actually i didn’t go to anyone. They caught me. They caught me right away cuz I was—you know. I really hurted though. So I couldn’t get out. They strapped me all the way in and I couldn’t get out. And they put this blood pressure thing on me because—and then it went “pssshhhht.” It squished me so hard. It squished. I was so hurt. It was on me until I woke up. It was so bleeding. My teeth, they were bleeding so bad. And that’s really the truth. Well, that’s almost the end. And then they let me go to my Mommy and Daddy. The End.

My days have started way too early all this week! It started on Monday when there was a storm that woke the baby. My husband, daughter and I all sleep like logs- nothing will wake us- but Brenia is such a light sleeper.

Tuesday was an early morning consultation at a hospital an hour away. My 6-year-old is having dental surgery at the children’s hospital. Years of juice and poor brushing habits have eaten away at her teeth. They are pulling 5 and filling some more. She’s so nervous about it that they have to do it in the operating room with general anesthesia. Anyway, that wasn’t the point of this story- so you know I got up early on Tuesday.

Wednesday had things settling down a bit, so I thought we’d get back to normal, but no…

My husband has this idiot friend at work. They have decided to carpool (nevermind the wives have suggested it for a year- now they think it’s their great idea!) He comes Thursday morning, calling twice on the way! I was relieved to find the baby still sleeping. Then he gets here and rings the doorbell- not once- but twice! Of course, baby is awake too early!

Today, you’d think he would know to be quiet with me having threatened to kill him and all. No, he has to honk his horn at 7:30 in the morning and, yes, wake the baby!

It’s not that I sleep until noon. I’m up by 8 every morning. It’s just that usually I have some time for me to shower, dress and mentally prepare for my day before the girls are up. When I hit the ground running it feels like I spend the whole day behind. Five days straight of that and I’m pooped!