Just Heather

The other day we got Stacia’s 2nd grade teacher assignment in the mail, along with the huge list of supplies and a text book bill. Can this summer zip by any faster?

My posts are so few and far between. I don’t seem to have much time to think about it. I’m not even keeping up very well on my favorite blogs. My days consist of the same old stuff, with the addition of a second child to entertain and summer activities to attend. First we had a week of Girl Scout camp, then a week of soccer camp. Now it’s just day to day things.

I meet some friends at a park every other Thursday. Last week we went to a water playground. The girls had a great time, but I missed a few spots with Brenia’s sunscreen. She had a series of red dots across her cheeks. Oops.

We are also participating in our library’s summer book program. Most of the prizes are free meals at restaurants so I was all about it. Any summer night I don’t have to cook is good with me. It’s just too damn hot to turn on the oven. I’d grill every night except I feel bad asking Spencer to fire up the grill as soon as he gets home every evening. Sure, I could do it myself like a good little feminist, but the gas terrifies me.

We’re not quite halfway through with this summer, and I’m already wishing the extended calendar had passed. Eleven weeks is a long, long time. The holiday weekend should be a nice break. We are going up to my in-laws lake cabin. It’s one of my favorite things to do, and we just don’t go often enough. Mostly I feel bad inviting myself all the time, but it’s so nice to be away for a few days and not have all my day-to-day responsibilities staring me in the face.

I’ll have at least one update before we take off—gotta get my mixmania posted and mailed!

I met up with Rachael for dinner again last night. She picked a local place called Bub’s Home of the Ugly Burger. I’m not really very adventurous, but burgers are burgers so I decided to give it a shot. Besides, the house that it runs from used to be a restaurant called That One Place and I always wanted to go there just for the “Who’s on First” humor of discussing it.

Per our usual style, we had a fun marathon dinner. I had half a burger and 2 orders of fries. They were so close to the ones I used to love from Red Robin, which closed a few years ago. I was just recently talking about that with a friend and craving them so it worked out perfect. After dinner we headed to Ritter’s where I had a banana split for the first time in 8 years! We talked and ate ice cream until they turned out the lights to kick us out.

I don’t know what it is about us that make our dinners last so long. Maybe it’s because we’re still just getting to know one another and have lots of stories to tell. Perhaps it will taper off eventually, but somehow I doubt it. Though, sometimes I fell like I dominate the conversation too much. I’m a bit of a talker, in case you hadn’t noticed! I am learning a lot about her though, so maybe it’s not as bad as I think. We just seem to mesh, despite the age difference.

I don’t always feel like an old soccer mom when we get together. Of course it probably helps that she’s the one driving around in the soccer mom mobile! I do usually feel like a fashion retard though. She always looks great, and I just throw on whatever is clean. To top it off, I get home and find something stuck in one of my teeth. Who knows how long that had been there looking all hot. We did eat outdoors at both places so maybe it was dark enough that I didn’t look like a total heel.

Laughing at Mir’s Friday Flashback, I suddenly realized I could rival her myself in the food follie department. I love to cook, but I’m the biggest disaster you’ll ever see in the kitchen! Here are a few of my more memorable disasters.

  • When I was 12, I made chocolate chip cookies with a friend. Nothing fancy, just the Nestle recipe—with a twist. We added 1 cup of salt instead of 1 teaspoon. Worst cookies I have ever eaten in my life—and that includes the Zeer-oh’s I once got for free with coupons (never, ever eat fake Oreos).
  • We got a call from our mortgage company as we were buying our first house saying we needed to come down as soon as possible to sign something we missed. Not wanting to screw up our closing date, we got right in the car and went—leaving potatoes boiling on the stove. Needless to say, we returned to a pot of black lumps. I didn’t even attempt to clean it.
  • Several years ago, my one and only attempt to make an apple pie from scratch almost resulted in a trip to the emergency room. I have this fancy-schamncy apple peeler-corer-slicer that does exactly what it sounds like. It was dirty and, being the lazy ass that I am, I decided to use a paring knife instead. I sliced right through that apple and into my thumb. It bled for an hour before I decided to get a second opinion. I called my dad—if you knew my sister, you would understand why I thought of him as an expert—and described the cut. He says “Give it another 20 minutes. If it doesn’t stop bleeding, you probably need stitches.” Dad has always been a fan of the wait and see medical method. I butterflied it and eventually it did stop. I still have that scar.
  • Arrived at the correct time for my checkup.
  • I lost a pound, which is okay since I gained too much the first time.
  • The baby’s heartrate is significantly slower (to be expected in the 2nd trimester), so there goes the gender by heartrate theory.
  • They let the student nurse attempt to draw my blood.
  • Notice I said attempt.
  • After two tries, she gave up to let the nurse finish the job.
  • The nurse had a bit of trouble too. Apparently the first vein just suddenly stopped producing blood after 1/2 a vial.
  • She switched arms (again) and filled all 6, leaving me looking like a drug addict.
  • I have an ultrasound scheduled in 4 weeks.
  • This one should tell us if we can change this blog skin to another color.
  • November is still forever away.

I showed up for my doctor’s appointment today—about 24 hours early! When I realized I had the day wrong I knew we had a problem. Tomorrow is Stacia’s last day of school, which brings afternoon parties and early dismissal. The receptionist cancelled the appointment and rescheduled me like she does it every day. Then I realized, with the idiocy pregnancy brings on, she probably does!

No, I’m not talking about some ancient, secret, family recipe. I’m talking about my mom’s famous No-Bake Cookie recipe that I just can’t seem to hold onto. I’ve written it down—numerous times. Yet everytime I have a craving for them, the recipe is no where to be found. One night last month I called mom after midnight for it. Today I called her as she was putting her makeup on. She’ll probably be late for work, but my No-Bake Cookies are smelling good on the stove!

I think I might have killed a bird yesterday. It wasn’t my fault. The bird flew under my car from the side while I was driving. I didn’t hear anything, but in my rearview mirror I saw something fluttering along the side of the road. It’s possible that something under my car just clipped his wings, but it’s more likely Darwinism in action. Stupid birds shouldn’t breed either.

Unfortunately, this isn’t my first run-in with wildlife. I nearly hit a Cardinal during my driving test many years ago. I managed to avoided it, luckily, since I’m sure killing the state bird would have had a detrimental affect on my score.

I once killed a 9-point buck with my Beretta. Doesn’t that sound much cooler than “a huge deer rammed into my car?” The trooper who arrived on scene actually asked if I wanted to keep it. While venison is pretty tasty, I’m not exactly sure how I would have gone about that. I’m guessing you can’t drop road kill off at the local butcher and ask for some steak and chops.

I had some watermelon a few weeks ago. It was not great melon—pink, hard, not very juicy—but I could not get enough! I called my dad—official supplier of watermelon—to get some good stuff. None. The local season hasn’t started yet and they don’t have anything in the warehouse. Never fear! Grandpa to the rescue!

My grandfather had a Georgia melon transported up last week just for him. He promised to send a slice with my dad. If you knew Papaw, you would now what a total sacrifice this would be. I was expecting a small sliver, just a bit to curb my craving. I got the biggiest, juciest, best-tasting slice of watermelon you’ve ever seen! It was so good, I’ve had to control myself to make it last. I can’t wait until the Indiana season starts. I don’t take advantage of the free produce much, but I’ll make up for lost time this summer!

I’ve also been craving tomato-based products—chili, coneys, BLTs. The only thing the two fruits really have in common is lycopene. I didn’t think you could crave a pigment, but at least this baby should never have to worry about cancer. I’ve got your antioxidants right here!