Just Heather

Conversation with my daughter on the phone last night:

Me: Hi, baby. How are you?
Brenia: I’m at Nama’s.
Me: I know you’re at Nama’s. Are you being a good girl?
Brenia: Do you wanna talk to Stacia?
Me: Are you being a good girl?
Brenia: Do you wanna talk to Stacia?
Me: Okay, baby. I’ll talk to Stacia. I love you!
Brenia: Bye!

I going Nama’s for a week—a whole week! We’re going to play, play my toys, go swimming…

I can’t wait!

All day yesterday I couldn’t remember if it was Tuesday or Wednesday. Imagine my surprise to wake up this morning and discover it was still Tuesday. The slow moving week has made me realize something, though—school starts in only 37 days! I really think it’s the constant bickering that makes the days drag on. I honestly can’t wait to separate them again. I would never have thought with such an age difference, that they would fight like cats and dogs, but you’ll see I mean that literally from one of yesterday’s “conversations”:

Stacia: (singing) I know you; I walked with you once upon a dream. (repeat. over and over again.)
Brenia: Stop singing that song!
Stacia:: (singing)I know you; I walked with you once upon a dream.
Brenia: Stop it! Hssss!
Stacia: Grrr.

I’ve been out of town for awhile, thus the lack of posting. Maybe later this week I’ll regale you with tales from my hometown visit. For my return post, I’ll share an entertaining tidbit from my two-year-old, as she followed me into the bathroom.

Brenia: You nake.
Mommy: Yes, I’m changing my shirt.
Brenia: You big.

Why are my children constantly pointing out how large I am?

I just told Mommy “poopy!” like I always do when it’s time to change my diaper. Mommy checked and was so happy that I wasn’t dirty yet. We ran to the potty, and she helped me climb on. I sat and sat and sat and sat and then I pooped! It was so fun to flush the potty instead of sitting in stinky pants. Mommy is very happy! I happy too!

Last night, Brenia left on her first “big girl” trip. She is spending the week with my parents. This is something she has done before, but only with her big sister along to keep her company. When she found out Stacia wasn’t going, she said no. Then I reminded her of all the fun she has at Grandma’s house—going to the park, swimming in the hot tub, seeing her aunt & uncle. We talked about the trip all week, with Brenia getting excited and Stacia getting upset about missing her.

Yesterday was the big day and as we’re getting ready to pack the suitcase, we had the following conversation:

Brenia: You tummy?
Me: My tummy? The baby is in my tummy.
Brenia: NO! You tummy?
Me: What?
Brenia: You tumming?
Me: Oh! Am I coming? Am I coming where?
Brenia: Mama’s.
Me: No. Mommy’s not coming with you.
Brenia: Oh, man.
Me: You get to go by yourself like a big girl.
Brenia: Myself? Oh, no. (long pause) My wuv park!

As soon as my parents arrived, Brenia looks them right in the eye and says “Park. Morrow.” Of course, it is supposed to rain today so the park is out. They’ll have to find an indoor substitute. Thoughts of the playground are all that’s keeping the apprehension at bay.

When the time came she wheeled her suitcase out proud as can be, climbed into her carseat, and was ready to go with barely a wave. Stacia cried, and I hugged her about 20 times. While I am so far enjoying my solitude and relaxation, I’m not sure I can make it the full 10 days we agreed upon. I just might have to hop in my car and retrieve her soon—if she can drag herself away from park long enough to notice me!

Spencer and I have an arrangement on the weekends. He gets up with the girls on Saturday; I wake up with the girls on Sunday. It is supposed to be nice and relaxing for the other parent to sleep in on their “day off.” Yet every Saturday goes exactly like this:

Brenia: Hi, Mommy.
Me: Go see your daddy.
Brenia: Daddy nigh-nigh.
Me: I know Daddy’s nigh-nigh. So is Mommy. Go wake your daddy.
Enter Stacia.
Stacia: Morning, Mommy.
Me: Get your daddy.
Stacia: Daddy’s asleep.
Me: So am I.
Stacia: No you’re not. I saw your eyes open.
Me: It’s Saturday. Daddy wakes up on Saturday.
Stacia: Come on, Brenia. Let’s go play in my room.
Me: Spencer, the girls are up.
Spencer: grrr. zzzzzzzzzzz

I have some good news today! I AM HAVING ANOTHER BABY!!!!!But………. Its in October!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I am only having 1 baby! Are you excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I am! I love my family!Its a good family!
Its fun having new baby sisters and brothers!I hope its a boy because…

Stacia Sokol, Brenia Sokol, Mommy Sokol, and Daddy sokol.