Just Heather

My first giveaway was a lot of fun, and really great practice. I have several giveaways lined up for a launch party we’re planning after my new website is up and running. Thank you to everyone who participated. I really enjoyed hearing about all the simple ways you save the planet.

I am once again inspired to line-dry my clothing. We’ll see how far that gets me in actually starting. Our washing machine is upstairs—perfect for grabbing clothes out of the bedroom where the hampers belong, but not so great for hauling clothes down the stairs and outside to dry. Of course, we currently have a full hamper of dirty clothes in the dining room. (Don’t ask. It’s just easier that way.)

Now, without further ado, the winners are………

smart-mama-blog-giveaway-winnerAngie from Just Like the Number and Kristen from Sticky But Sweet. I know they will both put it to great use. I’m hoping the win helps boost Kristen’s spirits and the book makes her see that she is a great mama after her ordeal last week.

Thanks for playing everyone!

My friendly neighborhood UPS man just dropped by and left a nice surprise. The business cards I ordered 2 weeks ago have arrived already! Perfect timing since my new venture launches (hopefully) this week. I do wish I had proofed them  a bit better, but they look exactly as expected. They are beautiful, but I forgot to include inexpensively” target=”_blank”>Twitter. It wasn’t a standard line in the template so it completely slipped my mind.

I ordered my business cards from UPrinting because I am now a part of their Blog Sponsorship program. Plus, the prices were right. I paid about $25 for 1000 business cards, which I thought was an excellent deal.  They use eco-friendy papers and non-toxic ink so I was especially excited about my purchase. It’s nice to find a company that cares about the same thing I do. They make an effort to support sustainability in printing, support social justice programs and sponsor blogs like mine.

I am new to their blog sponsorship program, but I’ve been pleased with it so far. They offer contests regularly when you can blog about a specific theme to be entered into cash drawings. They are also giving all of their current bloggers a set of 500 business cards. That offer came through right after I ordered mine, but I can obviously always use more. I think I’ll choose a set for my fabulously talented, completely unpaid director of communications (aka MFJ) since she is attending BlogHer with me in July.

Why UPrinting.com isn’t your average printing company:

Blog Sponsorships:
If you are looking to find a sponsor for your blog, UPrinting.com is definitely interested. We offer giveaways, advertising and more for qualified bloggers.

Non-Profit Sponsorships:
The U-Community Program sponsors hundreds of non-profits and education to improve our local communities.

Social Justice Projects:
The UPrinting Kiva account promotes small business growth in developing countries.

Green Printing:
UPrinting supports a sustainable future by recycling, using non-toxic inks, and offering eco-friendly recycled paper stocks for business cards and postcard printing.

smart-mamas-green-guideTo most of my friends, I’m the crunchy, hippie, uber-green girl. To the real organic, super greenies, I’m a newbie. I understand and appreciate the reasons behind the green movement. I desire to provide a safer, healthier environment for my children and their future but I don’t have the knowledge or resources to succeed in all areas of our lives.

I do, however, have friends who try. My friends can be divided into two categories: the crunchy, granola buddies who still have much to teach me and everyone else. This month, I had the opportunity to review a book that will help them both!

When I first heard about the Smart Mama’s Green Guide, I was most interested the line that indicated the book “delivers the information busy parents want and the tools to make informed, individual choices without the demand to go all-out green.” A book designed to help parents who want to do better without a switch to completely organic? Pick me, pick me!

Jennifer Taggart understands that it is difficult for most people to eliminate all sources of toxic chemicals in their homes. It is often too expensive or time consuming to control everything, but she provides several simple, practical ideas to get you started. She breaks down each hazard, giving detailed explanations on how and why each poses a threat. For those of us who can’t quite grasp the acronyms or decipher the various chemicals, she gives real world examples. However, for those of you who thrive on the details that I can’t quite comprehend, she includes those as well.

Hachette Book Group has also offered additional books for me to giveaway to my readers! The books will be shipped directly from the publisher. To be entered into the giveaway, leave me a comment here, sharing simple ways you choose a greener life. You can also earn additional entries by blogging or tweeting about this giveaway (leave a separate comment with the link to each additional entry).

prizey_fmg_purpleThe contest runs from June 23rd to June 30th at 11:59pm. Two winners will be notified by email on July 1st (as selected by Random.org) and must reply with their mailing address within 48 hours or a new winner will be chosen. Open only to residents of the U.S. & Canada and books cannot be shipped to PO boxes.

img_1779-largeHubby got an iPhone last fall and I, of course, have wanted one ever since. I don’t usually require much in a cell phone. I need it to call, text and survive the occasional fall. That means the iPhone was out for me, until I heard about the hard-shelled cases people use to take their iPhone mountain biking. Perhaps, with a hard-shelled case, an iPhone could survive even me.

Of course, we don’t have an extra $200 to get another one. Enter the new iPhone 3GS with the resulting price drop in the plain, old model that’s good enough for me. We have one contract up for renewal now and another in October, but still lack the funds to pay even the reduced price. Then I saw a Tweet from Planet Green about recycling your old phone if you plan to get a the new iPhone. My savings-oriented, scheming brain kicked into over drive.

I headed to my favorite gadget recycling site and checked the value on the current iPhone. $249—more than enough to buy the new one when it is released later this month. By the time I convinced hubby that being without his precious iPhone for 2 weeks would be worthwhile if it means he gets the updated model for nothing,  the value had dropped to $229. That is still more than enough to pay for the updated model with our contract-renewal discount.

We thought he’d be using my seriously jank phone until June 19th, but it looks like the buy offer is good through 7/9 so he’ll be keeping the iPhone until his free Father’s Day present arrives. It means the purchase goes on a credit card, but it will be paid off as soon as our inexpensively” target=”top”>Gazelle check arrives. If you have an AT&T plan up for renewal and a current iPhone, I’d try it out before the values drop even more.

As for my phone, I’ll still have to wait. I’m such a good wife.