Just Heather

I was going to do a 2009 Recap for Wordless Wednesday. I wanted to share an awesome picture that captured each month. It fits into the 365 Challenge I’ve accepted for 2010, though, so it will have to wait until next year. In sifting through our photo archives, I realized this year will go down in history as the year of the hats (and other impressive head wear). I present to you my photographic evidence:

Allison and Me

Allison and Me

Alternate Title: The family reunion blogging made. Seriously, I organized this reunion in an effort to see long lost cousins. We have reconnected over the last several years through our blogs (and Facebook), but I haven’t seen Allison in over 20 years and I had never met her family. Of course, blogging made me feel like I knew them and it certainly didn’t feel like 20 years had passed. I’m sure I’ll have much more to say about last weekend in the days and weeks to come, but for now a pictorial summary will have to do.

I love a guy in a fedora, but my guy in a fedora leaves me speechless. Happy Wordless Wednesday!



I don’t think he gets it.

Today’s 40×40 accomplishment brought to you by Wordless Wednesday:

My first manicure...

My first manicure...

And the pedicure MFJ talked me into.

And the pedicure MFJ talked me into.

Wordless Wednesday: Lorelai had 9 inches cut off in June for Locks of Love. Since I have never gotten around to blogging her 1st haircut, this will have to do. Besides, if a picture is worth a 1000 words, then 27 pictures is almost a whole novel!