I’ve spent the last week getting prepped for the real meat of the challenge. Stepping on a scale for the first time since before the holidays was the first goal, and now that I have my fancy space scale from Omron Fitness, I’ll be doing it a lot more frequently.
This scale measures not just weight but bmi, body fat percentage, muscle something or other — I guess I have a little more reading to do. I’d tell you what my numbers were, but since I don’t even know what it all means yet, it’s basically meaningless for now.
I do know that it means I have some changes to make. I’m starting small — baby steps, really — in both fitness and nutrition. When I try to make too many changes at once, I get overwhelmed and give up. I’ve started wearing a fancy space pedometer, and though I haven’t made it to 10K steps yet, I’ve improved every day. I think if I can get to the point of actually wearing it all day, I’ll be a lot closer!
I’m learning to take short breaks to walk around. It’s a good chance to step away from work and de-stress, in addition to adding to my step count. The hubby and I are planning to start taking a daily walk as well.
I also began the fitness challenges from Mamavation’s personal trainer. They officially start today, and last week I did a few less reps and lighter weights to ease into it. I’m really looking forward to tackling the full workouts this week. I just need to figure out how to work in running still.
I hate the cold. I hate the snow. I pretty much hate running. But running outside in the cold with snow on the ground? It’s pretty much awesome! I’ve also learned that I just have to make myself run. I don’t like it, and I don’t want to do it, but I feel so good when it’s done.
I’ve never — not even once — finished a run and thought, “Wow. I wish I hadn’t done that!”
And, I feel the same about eating healthier. I’ve never regretted a salad — not ever — but for some reason it’s rarely my first choice.
So, Saturday’s lunch was a grilled chicken salad. Last night, we had salads with our dinner. And today’s brunch was filled with fabulous greens and included a side of fruit. Okay, and a fabulous hot chocolate.
Baby steps, people. I’m getting there! I have to allow myself the occasional treat if I want the changes to stick. It just means I’ll have to skip my bubble bath chocolate tonight. And, it gives me a little more motivation to work it all off before dinner.
Starting Weigh-In: 195 pounds
This Week’s Weigh-In: 195.8 pounds
This Week’s Weight Loss: -.8 pounds
Total Omron Fitness Weight Loss: -.8 pounds
BMI: 28
This post is sponsored Omron Fitness as a collaboration withBookieboo Blogging Network and Mamavation — a community dedicated to weight loss for women and obesity prevention for families. I was provided with product and compensation for my time and honest opinions.