Just Heather

“But you’re my mommy. You know everything!” –Stacia

I’m losing the battle with the daily nap. Stacia ditched hers at 18 months so I should be lucky I’ve gotten this far. Of course, her timing coincided with our move to a new town so I’m sure that had a bit to do with it. The difference here is Brenia is so well behaved* that she doesn’t just ignore her nap and play in (read: trash) her room like Stacia always did. No, she feels terrible that she’s disobeying so she cries. The whole time.

When I finally give up on the nap and tell her to play in her room for a bit. She says OK and stops crying altogether. She’s just completely unable to let go of the nap until permission is granted. Stacia, on the other hand, couldn’t care less what she has permission for and will do what she pleases at all times.

Is it any wonder that we waited 5 years to have our second child? It took me a while to forget the tortured years between giving up naps and kindergarten. At least when this one gives up her nap entirely, I should be able to institute “quiet time” with a child who may actually follow the title.

*This is not sarcasm you hear. It is shock and awe. She is (mostly) a strangely obedient child. I wonder daily where that came from.

  • when I glance at the clock and wonder if 6 o’clock is too early for bedtime?
  • to sometimes think I was crazy for taking on this whole stay-at-home mom gig?
  • to hit snooze in the morning and think she doesn’t really need to go to school today, does she?
  • that I just buckled my kids into their grandma’s car for a sleepover, went back into the house, closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief?

Overheard on the phone between Stacia and her friend, Megan:

Megan: Can you come outside?
Stacia: I’m still grounded, which means no outside.
Megan: Well, I really need backup.
Stacia: What?
Megan: Back. Up. It means I need some help out here.
Stacia: Oh, well I can’t come out.
Megan: Zach (her brother) and Brad are being mean to me and I really need someone out there.
Stacia: Well, this is important so I’ll go ask my mom.

This is where I hang up and pretend like I didn’t already here the entire conversation. I also get to play Mean Mom as Stacia reprises her favorite role of Girl in Angst. Drama, drama, drama.

I swear she is learning a new word every day. Just a few weeks ago, she only had a handful of words that were recognizable to anyone but me. Granted, I’m still the one who understands her best. She is two, after all, but the words are coming more frequently.

Yesterday she said Thank you for the first time. She also said I love you without prompting. She’s been repeating it for about a week, but this was different. She walked into the kitchen where I was fixing her lunch, stopped by me, said “wuvva” and walked off! I cried. A lot.

I seem to cry a lot these days (and, no, I’m not pregnant!) I bought her some adorable Carter’s jammies for her birthday. She chose to sleep in the “pwetty fowers” right away, and I cried when I tore off the tag. Their slogan gets me every, single time. “If they could just stay little ’til their Carters wear out.” I mean, really, is it too much to ask for her to stay little for just a few days past her birthday?

I know she can’t stay little forever, but somebody tell her she doesn’t have to grow up all at once. She doesn’t seem to be listening to me.

Today, my baby turns 2. Where does the time go? It’s not that I can’t believe she’s two-years-old—she acts very two—I just can’t believe two years have passed since I held her tiny baby hands, kissed her tiny baby head, and marveled at her tiny baby toes.

I don’t feel any older. Why should my baby be?

I'm 2!

I'm 2!

It was fun at my vacation. I liked it. It was really, really fun! I loved it! I loved it, loved it, loved it! It was so awesome. I got to meet Mickey and Jasmine, Aladdin. But I didn’t get to meet Genie last time. Or I didn’t get to see any of the people Aladdin’s story last time. It was very hard to figure out which ones I knew. Because I know every one of them, but one of them I didn’t get to see on my vacation—my second vacation.

I got to sleep in a hotel. It was fun. I got to sleep with my sister, Brenia! (picks Brenia up for hugs) And my mom and dad had fun too. I could tell. And I know my mom had really good fun. (hugs: I love you, mother.) And I also got to see Chip ‘n’ Dale. Last time I didn’t get to see them either. I don’t think I got to see Donald last time either. I can’t remember. The end.

Me: Sweetie, lay down so Mommy can change your diaper.
Brenia: No.
Me: Please, lay down and get your diaper on.
Brenia: No.
Me: It’s bedtime. You need to get your jammies on and a clean diaper.
Brenia: No.
Me: Mommy has a headache and I’m very stressed out today. It would really help if you would cooperate. Now. Please, lay down.
Brenia: No.
Me: That worked well. I’m changing your diaper now. Lay down.
Brenia: No.
(picture me wrestling with my child)
Me: Does it make me a terrible Mommy that I’m really glad it’s bedtime?
Brenia: No.

Good. Quick—guess how old my kid is!