Just Heather

Today’s school was great. I really like school. It’s been so fun. And don’t forget recess—you get to run around and do anything, but no put-downs. That’s the truth! But most of all what I like is lunch because I get really hungry from all that working and math because math is a headache. It’s not really all that easy. But, you know, it’s really good because I love lunch because today mommy gave me yummy peanut butter sandwich. But I had to get a wipe. I do not like wipes. Because germs from—some people are allergic to peanut butter so you have to wash your hands. But when you touch the people then they’ll get sick if they’re allergic to peanut butter.

The special today was art. Today was “A” day. I love A day. It’s so great. But that’s not all! Whoever brung their books back this morning got to check out a book. It was so fun and I loved it! And it was so, so, so, so, so, so fun. I loved it. I loved it. I loved it like crazy. I am a crazy person. But guess what—I know half the people in my class. But, you know what? i really liked recess the most.

Erma Bombeck? I don’t think so, but it does sound like something she would say.

My struggle this week—as if you couldn’t tell— is gaining some control over my house. I’m not a good housekeeper by any means, but I try to at least keep it manageable. Flylady helps me keep some sanity. I’m also working on Taming the Paper Tiger. I’m definitely a long way from where I started. It’s just that I had gotten into a pretty good routine and then—bam—everything changes.

When school started things just got nutty here. I got my new calendar which I dearly love. Then I had to go and start writing in it. What a mess of ink—and stickers, of course. There is hardly a free day to be found. Now suddenly I’ve lost control, I’m pulled in 10 different directions, and I can’t seem to do any of it well.

On my calendar for the next couple months is a smattering of:

  • school meetings
  • Girl Scout meetings
  • soccer practices and games
  • weddings (okay—one wedding, but it’s in Tennessee and the reception is back home on a totally different weekend)
  • Church Group meetings
  • doctor/vet/dentist appointments

Well, that doesn’t look like as much when it’s all crammed together. On my calendar it looks like 10 times as much! Plus, one night 3 of those things are at the same time. I’ll be missing 2, since that whole cloning thing isn’t yet legal.

Whatever happened to stay-at-home mom?!

No? Me either!

Stacia’s teacher called a little while ago. Apparently she had a minor outburst at school. This was normally not worthy of a phone call as the teacher has sufficient behavior management plans. However, since she had recently heard about our premature baby she wanted to talk about how Stacia was handling things.

Stacia shared the story of her new baby sister during “community circle” at school this morning. She was full of details about her new sister who’s been in the hospital for 5 or 6 weeks (she couldn’t remember). She wanted to name her Diamond, but I wanted to name her Heather, after myself. She doesn’t have a name yet though because we don’t know if she’ll make it.

Mrs. Cox was, at first, thinking this was an elaborate story so she took her aside to ask questions later. The story continued all about the tubes the baby is hooked to so she can breath and her arm that looks kind of funny because it wasn’t finished growing. Every question Mrs. Cox asked, Stacia had an answer to. She was planning to call this evening to see if there was anything she could do help— totally snowed by Stacia’s story!

Where do they come up with this stuff? A story this elaborate had to come from somewhere, but we neither know anyone with a preemie or can remember a show she has seen about the situation. Why would a 6 year old have such elaborate details on premature babies? And, how in the world can I get her to stop telling tales?

Spencer thinks it’s a ploy for attention. I don’t know how—short of cloning myself— I could spend more time with her. I stay at home with the girls, I volunteer at school, I lead her Brownie troop, and he coaches her soccer team. I try to spend one-on-one time with each of my girls too.

Sometimes I get the feeling that no matter what I do or how hard I try I’m just doing this parenting thing all wrong!

Each new word is precious, but when your baby girl says “I love you” for the first time it really tugs at your heart.

Ok, so it sounded more like “hayahoo,” but a mother knows!

It’s gonna be so fun at my water party. We’re gonna have a canon that can shoot out water. Well, you won’t believe how fun that is gonna be. And don’t forget there’s gonna be a castle! And also 200 water balloons. It’s gonna be so so so so so so so so (two more, she says) so so (one more) so fun!! You won’t believe how fun the water balloons will be. And don’t forget there’s gonna be water guns and we’re gonna play water freeze. And whoever gets squirted wif (she has a lisp sometimes from her missing front teeth) the water in the guns has to freeze and if they get squirted again they get un-freezed. That’s how you play water freeze. And we’re also gonna play balloon tag and who gets tagged with the balloon the person is gonna have 5 bags of 16 balloons. And whoever gets the most balloons is it. OK? And then they keep doing and doing it until their balloons are all gone. And don’t forget—call me if you can come.

The End.

Oh, I mean, there’s also gonna be lots more stuff.

Now The End.

My dentist appointment was pretty good starting, but this was the really, really, really, really, really hard part. They had to take out my teeth. One tooth, actually two teeth, while I was awake. That really hurted, actually. That really, really, really, really, really, really hurted. It was hurting so bad that it almost made me jump out of the chair. They didn’t have me strapped all the way so I could jump out of the chair. And I screamed and I went to you guys. But I really—actually i didn’t go to anyone. They caught me. They caught me right away cuz I was—you know. I really hurted though. So I couldn’t get out. They strapped me all the way in and I couldn’t get out. And they put this blood pressure thing on me because—and then it went “pssshhhht.” It squished me so hard. It squished. I was so hurt. It was on me until I woke up. It was so bleeding. My teeth, they were bleeding so bad. And that’s really the truth. Well, that’s almost the end. And then they let me go to my Mommy and Daddy. The End.

My daughter is 19 months old. It has come to my attention that this is not a child who should ever wear a nightgown to bed. Yes, they look adorable but there’s a problem— they have no bottoms!

This morning my older daughter opened the door to the baby’s room when she heard her knocking and screamed “Naked Baby!” This, of course, has me up and running as the baby is definitely not yet potty-trained.

And there she stood—naked—with her wet diaper on the floor beside her.

My sister is greater than fruit, yeah, fruit. And she’s even better than my strawberries I made. (there’s gonna be more, I just have to think- it’s not the end, no) It’s better than anything in the world, except my family. (give me a few minutes…)My sister is greater than my blog! And even greater than pictures on anything in the world. And greater than my best, best, best, best, best, best, best, best (one more best) bestest friends. And even better than calling Zach and Megan [said best, best friends]. And even better than my mom’s silly old red-haired doll [aka Raggedy Ann]. And even better than listening to my radio—oh, it’s real better—yeah! And even better how old I am; which I’m now six and a half. And even better than Dad’s silly old dumb stuff. And my sister is even better than raspberry pie. But really I’ve never tasted raspberry pie. And even better than Mom’s dumb Pampered Chef stuff. And even better than Daddy’s stupid old comics. And also better than his dumb old guitars. And Daddy is now going to play them. That is not very fun—that is horrible. My sister is also better than my dumb stuff. My sister is also greater than candy—well, not candy—kinda candy. Not the end yet. Also better than my dumb computer. The end.