Just Heather

Actual Conversations I have had with family members:

Me: I really don’t want to look like the frumpy big sister with all those kids when Robbie gets married next year. I’m going to take Lexie shopping and have her pick out something for me.
Mom: Oh, good!

Me: I finally got the girls to sleep at the same time this afternoon.
Him: That’s good.
Me: Yeah, except I didn’t take a nap like I’ve been trying to do for the last 6 weeks. I showered instead.
Him: Um, okay.
Me: So tonight when I’m complaining about how tired I am, remind me that I smell good.
Him: Right!

Her: Hello?
Me: Are you sure you can wear this vest with a hoodie because I look like a Grade-A Moron?
Her: Um, hi.
Me: Sorry, hi, sis. I look stupid.
Her: That outfit flatters everyone. I’m sure you look cute and you just don’t know it because…you just don’t know.
Me: Are you saying I’ve never looked cute before so I wouldn’t know it when I see it?
Her: Well, not that rude, but yeah!

Me: Are you mad because my celebrity list is so long?
Him: No, I just don’t think you could ever get a celebrity.

Feel the love, baby!

Today, for the second day in a row, I actually remember that I, myself, need to eat lunch when I feed my little ones. I reach into the fridge to grab my leftover chicken noodles only to discover they are nonexistent. Apparently, he decided he was more worthy of the meal than I even though I just spent $22 on 15 meals to stock the freezer for him.

Never mind that it trashed my rule of “nothing over a dollar” when I did my grocery shopping this week, thereby completely throwing off my savings calculations for the month. Never mind that since I knew he would take them to lunch every day I didn’t bother to get a single meal I would actually eat myself. Never mind that I am a nursing mother and in desperate need of nutrition. By all means, eat what you like. I’ll just grab something else.

Except we all know that once my original idea went out the window I got distracted and forgot to eat again. (Look! Something shiny!) I guess I could just be happy with today’s news that I’ve lost 25 of my 34 baby pounds. Not that my failure to eat lunch really has anything to do with it. I generally make up the calories with a giant bag of potato chips or these yummy, generic oreo cookies. Not to mention the great deals I’m finding on Christmas candy, which—let’s face it—will never actually last long enough to get in the stockings!

Go ahead. Make fun of my shopping habits, but I’ve saved $6000 so far this year on my grocery bill. That may not buy a house, but it means the difference between staying at home with my three girls and getting a part-time job.

Rachael alerted me to the fact that my picture was included in an article on The Onion. Go figure. I get interviewed on national television, compared to Michael Jordan in the Chicago Tribune, and picked up as a syndicated article by the AP but it takes appearing on the front page of The Onion to impress him.

Here I sit, all by myself, flipping through our DVR recordings and what should happen? As I innocently hovered over last night’s unwatched Gilmore Girls episode, the remote control accidentally hit play. Well, that’s what he gets for making me watch a movie on a Tuesday night. Besides, we both know I watch it twice a week anyway.

I’ve been trying to come up with something poignant to say about our anniversary all day. Nothing quite seems adequate to describe being married to the love of my life. Instead, here’s a shout out to everyone who thought we’d never make it.

You were so wrong. You underestimated the depth of our love and the strength of our commitment. No matter what comes our way, we’re in it together. Love doesn’t conquer all, but when two people are dedicated to overcoming the odds and obstacles against them, it has a pretty powerful impact.

I love you, baby, with all my heart and soul. Here’s to 8 years and the many that will follow!

There is just something about small towns. I was driving down the road yesterday when a firetruck passed on the other side. The windshield said “Protectors of the Village.”

As for this village, we’re definitely not missing our idiot. I had to sit for an hour Monday with Spencer while he had his hand/thumb x-rayed. He fell off his skateboard. In the house. At midnight. Then he comes to bed, says not a word, and goes to sleep. The next morning when I asked why he stayed home from work, he says “I think I hurt my hand.”

Think? You mean the swelling wasn’t confirmation?

They took 3 different x-rays and still can’t tell if it’s broken. The doctor splinted it and plans to take more x-rays next week to see if there is a healing line. Then they’ll cast it. I knew something like this would happen as soon as he bought that damn thing.

This is why I insisted on full protective gear which, of course, he won’t wear in the house because it’s not like he’ll get hurt on the carpet or anything. I love you, you idiot.

Spencer and I have an arrangement on the weekends. He gets up with the girls on Saturday; I wake up with the girls on Sunday. It is supposed to be nice and relaxing for the other parent to sleep in on their “day off.” Yet every Saturday goes exactly like this:

Brenia: Hi, Mommy.
Me: Go see your daddy.
Brenia: Daddy nigh-nigh.
Me: I know Daddy’s nigh-nigh. So is Mommy. Go wake your daddy.
Enter Stacia.
Stacia: Morning, Mommy.
Me: Get your daddy.
Stacia: Daddy’s asleep.
Me: So am I.
Stacia: No you’re not. I saw your eyes open.
Me: It’s Saturday. Daddy wakes up on Saturday.
Stacia: Come on, Brenia. Let’s go play in my room.
Me: Spencer, the girls are up.
Spencer: grrr. zzzzzzzzzzz

Be sure to wish the love of my life a happy birthday! Poor guy has strep throat on his birthday so it’s not starting out well for him. Head on over and give him some love!