Just Heather

There’s not much to write about here right now. It’s pretty much all puking all the time, and who wants to hear about that every day. There is something on our 2nd floor that makes me gag, but no one else can smell it. I can crave something like crazy one day, and it will make me throw up the next. Take apples, for example. I have been craving green apples and eating them every day. Then one day, I suddenly started throwing up every apple I eat. Yet, I still want the apples. Makes no sense.

I guess it’s a good thing the girls keep eating all my apples. If making me sick doesn’t keep me away from apples, not having any sure will.

My kids are grazers. They eat pretty much nonstop. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack between each meal. These girls know no hunger. This was made clear last night with my 2-year-old’s first ever tummy ache. It was dinnertime, and she was crying “tummy hurt. tummy hurt.” The poor child was in tears, and Mommy and Daddy were clueless. Finally, I made her sit down with her dinner and told her to try to eat.

Pain gone. Hunger fed.

Apparently, when I sat pretzels down for the girls at snacktime Brenia thought it was funnier to dump hers upside down rather than eat them. Stacia, of course, never tells me she didn’t eat because that just means more for her. No snack=very hungry girl. I honestly think this was the first time since infancy that the child has felt hunger pains. I don’t know if that’s good or bad.

Someone just stopped me—in the middle of the road, driving my car— to ask me for directions to the new mall. Sure. No problem. I can give you directions to every mall in the Indy area—not that I spend a lot of time there or anything. What struck me as odd is how often this happens to me.

It doesn’t even matter where I am. In my hometown. In Chicago. At the grocery store. On vacation in New York City. I get asked for directions everywhere I go. Apparently I look like I’m at home anywhere. Then again, how many people sit in a plaza eating lunch alone, reading a magazine on vacation in NYC?

I think the funniest part of it is that I have absolutely no sense of direction. None whatsoever. Just ask my husband. If you ask me, I’m always facing north. So why do people naturally assume I know where I’m going? Most of the time, I don’t even know where I am.

CBS just called and it seems they are finally ready to come. In two days. If you could see my house right about now you would laugh out loud! I’ve been so sick (and tired) for weeks. Hubby has been sick for a week. The place is well and truly trashed. I have a day and half to get it television ready. Not to mention finding a suitable outfit.

I think I’m gonna be sick.

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Why do they call it morning sickness?

I had been noticing a severe lack of nausea with this pregnancy. With my other two I pretty much threw up nonstop for 4 months. This time around? Nothing. It was starting to freak me out. Well, never fear ladies and gentlemen. Morning sickness is upon us. Sort of.

I’m still not puking, thank goodness, but I don’t think the constant nausea and random gagging are much better. If I’m not eating or sleeping, I feel like puking. Only I don’t. I just gag. We’re having loads of fun, baby and me.

So you know the solution to this problem, right? Just eat. All. Day. Long. Only I’m not one to nibble on saltine crackers day and night. No siree. I’ll have a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos, please. Oh, and could you pass the chicken livers?

5 Things I’m Grateful for Today:

  1. Long toddler naps.
  2. Wendy’s employees who do not need a lesson on the fact that “ketchup only” is not equivalent to “extra ketchup.”
  3. Parents willing to travel 3 hours with chicken livers since I can’t seem to find them here.
  4. Yesterday’s triple coupon groceries are already put away courtesy of my new pantry door racks.
  5. And—as always—long, hot bubble baths.
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It amazes me all the little things I should have noticed before I peed on a stick. There was always something else that could explain it away, until it dawned on me one evening that there was an awful lot adding up.

The biggest one was how incredibly exhausted I am. All. The. Time. At first I thought it was because I’d been sick, but it was getting so extreme that I couldn’t make it through a day without at least one nap, sometimes two.

I don’t know how I thought my toddler just suddenly started hitting me in the boobs to the point of pain. It should have dawned on me long before now that they were just more tender than usual.

Then, of course, there’s the cravings. You would think the night I drove to two KFCs and three grocery stores looking for chicken livers, I would have known something was up. I chalked it up to an iron deficiency, which I’m sure it partially is. Yet that doesn’t explain the 4 times I forced my family to eat Pizza Hut because I wanted a Deep Dish Meat Lovers. PepsiCo sure is going to make money off me this year!

Now that the secret is out, baby has decided to make an appearance. I couldn’t pretend I wasn’t pregnant if I tried. I’ll be in maternity clothes before I even have my first doctor’s appointment!

I spent some more time with The Girlfriend this weekend. It was a little more relaxed since it was in the context of “my little sister’s friend” instead of “my brother’s girlfriend.” My sister is in the Bahamas this week for Spring Break with some friends. They stopped by my parents’ house Saturday night to spend the night, swap my dad cars, and have breakfast before driving to Florida. I didn’t find out until they were almost there that Leslie was one of the friends.

That made it better. There was no time to panic and work myself up into a “I-can’t-believe-this-is-what-I’m-wearing-when-my-brother’s-girlfriend-comes-over” frenzy. I was relaxed. Almost cool. The five of us spent a few hours just hanging out in the kitchen talking. I like her a lot. He seems to be more than semi-serious about her. If she can tolerate him through the summer—when he works hard and is at his finest—I just might get a sister-in-law someday.