Just Heather

This week has just been awful, thus the lack of posting. I still don’t quite feel like updating so you’ll have to deal with bullets:

  • Monday we went to a funeral. Spencer’s great-grandmother passed away over the weekend. She was 94 and lived a full life. I was always amazed at what she was doing well into her 90s. She was a sweet lady who adored my children—always a plus in my book.
  • Spencer is still sick. They ran several blood tests earlier this week, but can’t figure it out. They now have him on Zithromax and it seems to be working. I’m thinking it was just a particularly difficult strand of strep throat and the first antibiotic didn’t kick it.
  • All morning sickness all the time—I won’t go into details except to say that’s pretty much why I don’t post much. Something on the second floor makes me sick so I stay downstairs.
  • So much for laundry.
  • My first Brownie field trip was postponed. There will be no hiking in the rain for me. The girls did surprisingly well for our indoor activities considering the disappointment factor.
  • Stacia’s first soccer game of the season is tomorrow. I was so glad to hear the weather has cleared. They tell us repeatedly “soccer is an all-weather sport” which pretty much means prepare to sit in the mud.
  • Brenia is now officially known as Naked Baby. She has a new thing with spontaneous shedding of clothing. She likes to be “nake” and I just don’t have the energy to fight it. At least I’ve gotten her to quit including the diaper.
  • CBS just called to say they weren’t finished editing due to another out-of-town news story. The segment has been pushed back to next Friday night. Now I get to go about the process of calling those who were planning to watch me tonight—which pretty much includes everyone I know and lots of people I don’t.

There’s nothing like waking up to a period when you’re already pregnant. I called my doctor and she thought it was light enough that nothing was wrong. She ordered bed rest for the day and an ultrasound on Monday. The ultrasound showed nothing wrong. Baby’s heartbeat is strong. I’m not quite as far along as we thought though. The ultrasound tech says at this stage babies grow at a consistent rate so the measurments are highly accurate.

She says I’m only 7 weeks so no possibility for placenta previa, since the placenta doesn’t even develop until 9 weeks. That would have been an obvious reason for the bleeding, and one I’ve dealt with before. My doctor thinks it was just one of those things and probably means nothing. I hate not having an answer. She kept my originally scheduled ultrasound in a few weeks though so we can keep a close eye. I’m supposed to take it pretty easy, but nothing as far as bedrest.

Like I needed an excuse to sit around and do nothing. It’s basically the only thing I can do to keep from throwing up. So glad that gets to last 2 weeks longer now. This pregnancy is going to last forever. I guess I’m technically not looking at any longer for the rest of it since I’ll be induced about 2 weeks early anyway. My first was nearly 10 pounds and right on time. The next time around I was induced 10 days early and she was still nearly 9 pounds. They’ll be keeping close tabs on this one’s size, along with everything else.

I had an ultrasound today. Turns out I’m not as far along as we thought—by 2 whole weeks. Nothing like stretching out the morning sickness.

I went to my cousin’s wedding this weekend. It was a lot of fun, though I didn’t have nearly as much fun as my sis! Let’s just say she had a little bit to drink and leave it at that.

Subway no longer carries their BBQ Chicken sandwich. I know this because I checked 6 different ones today on my way back to town. Someone needs to tell Baby to pick a new craving.

Hubby is still sick. With both of us feeling lousy, things are starting to pile up something fierce. He’s going to have to stay home from work just because there are no clean clothes in the house.

I’ve got no clothes, period. I should not need maternity clothes this early, which is why I had let my best friend borrow them. Even when I found out I was pregnant, I thought I’d be good until she delivered next month. Not so much.

The kids stayed with my parents. They’ll be back tomorrow night. Since I’ll get to sleep in tomorrow, I’m hoping I’ll feel up to posting something a little more coherent then.

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Why do they call it morning sickness?

I had been noticing a severe lack of nausea with this pregnancy. With my other two I pretty much threw up nonstop for 4 months. This time around? Nothing. It was starting to freak me out. Well, never fear ladies and gentlemen. Morning sickness is upon us. Sort of.

I’m still not puking, thank goodness, but I don’t think the constant nausea and random gagging are much better. If I’m not eating or sleeping, I feel like puking. Only I don’t. I just gag. We’re having loads of fun, baby and me.

So you know the solution to this problem, right? Just eat. All. Day. Long. Only I’m not one to nibble on saltine crackers day and night. No siree. I’ll have a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos, please. Oh, and could you pass the chicken livers?

5 Things I’m Grateful for Today:

  1. Long toddler naps.
  2. Wendy’s employees who do not need a lesson on the fact that “ketchup only” is not equivalent to “extra ketchup.”
  3. Parents willing to travel 3 hours with chicken livers since I can’t seem to find them here.
  4. Yesterday’s triple coupon groceries are already put away courtesy of my new pantry door racks.
  5. And—as always—long, hot bubble baths.

The article about my brownie troop came out today. You can read it here. She used quotes from all 3 girls. They are a talkative bunch, and had some great things to say. They actually printed our entire collection list too. That’s something I couldn’t even get the school newsletter to do.

Now if only I can convince hubby to go out and buy 10 copies.

In other news news, the CBS producer finally got back to me. Things just keep coming up to bump our interview. Right now it’s his kiddos’ spring break. Ah, priorities. I’m just glad to hear he’s still interested. It looks like we’ll finally connect the first week of April.

Now to find a new pregnant-lady outfit since my new, hot power-suit no longer fits!

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It amazes me all the little things I should have noticed before I peed on a stick. There was always something else that could explain it away, until it dawned on me one evening that there was an awful lot adding up.

The biggest one was how incredibly exhausted I am. All. The. Time. At first I thought it was because I’d been sick, but it was getting so extreme that I couldn’t make it through a day without at least one nap, sometimes two.

I don’t know how I thought my toddler just suddenly started hitting me in the boobs to the point of pain. It should have dawned on me long before now that they were just more tender than usual.

Then, of course, there’s the cravings. You would think the night I drove to two KFCs and three grocery stores looking for chicken livers, I would have known something was up. I chalked it up to an iron deficiency, which I’m sure it partially is. Yet that doesn’t explain the 4 times I forced my family to eat Pizza Hut because I wanted a Deep Dish Meat Lovers. PepsiCo sure is going to make money off me this year!

Now that the secret is out, baby has decided to make an appearance. I couldn’t pretend I wasn’t pregnant if I tried. I’ll be in maternity clothes before I even have my first doctor’s appointment!

I was contacted by a reporter again this week, this time for my work with Stacia’s Brownie Troop. She wants to do a feature article in next week’s paper about the service project we are doing. I think it’s really neat that they are getting some recognition this early in their Girl Scouting “careers.”

In January, when we were planning something to do with our cookie money the girls had a bunch of suggestions for using it to help people. I was going to suggest something anyway, but it was quite impressive to hear 7 year olds say we should give our money to the Tsunami vicitms. We elected to send half of our cookie booth profits to the Red Cross Tsunami Relief Fund.

I wanted them to take part in something more than watching me write a check though, so a few weeks ago I suggested a few hand-on projects: Any Soldier care packages, Ronald McDonald House toiletry collection, or one girl’s suggestion Toys for Tots. I really wanted to do an Any Soldier drive at the school, but I just knew they would vote for buying toys. We took a vote, as is the only way to make decisions with 24 1st graders. Any Soldier won by a mile. They loved the idea of helping our soldiers who were in another country.

So we have a big box setup at the school with a list of supplies the soldiers are requesting—energy bars, personal hygeine, stationary, and entertainment items—and plan to put together as many care packages as possible at our next meeting. The cookie funds come in when it is time to ship them overseas. Our principal was kind enough to not only allow us to setup a collection bin, but add our request to the school newsletter. That is, apparently, how the reporter heard about our efforts.

I’m meeting her at the school this afternoon for a short interview, and then she wants to ask a the girls some questions and take pictures. She asked for 3-5 girls. I felt bad that the whole troop doesn’t get to be involved in such an exciting aspect of it, but I just called my assistants to borrow their kids. I’m going to suggest that she do a followup at our next meeting for some shots of the girls sorting donations for our care packages. Even if she doesn’t run a second article, at least the whole troop will feel a part of the excitement.