Just Heather

I going Nama’s for a week—a whole week! We’re going to play, play my toys, go swimming…

I can’t wait!

Rachael and I met up with Ang for dinner Wednesday night. They graciously agreed to eat at Texas Roadhouse so baby could have her cheese fries (which, by the way, he finished off as soon as I got home!)

I never gave a lot of thought to meeting people you “met” online before except in making fun of my mother-in-law’s ex-husband #5. There is just something about blogs that is different. Sure, they are highly edited—few people reveal everything. But the snippets you do get are very real. I said last year when I met Rachael that she is exactly what I pictured. Ang, also, is exactly who I thought she would be. It didn’t at all feel like meeting someone new. It just felt like joining friends for dinner. Which, I guess, is exactly what it was.

Yesterday I managed to “sleep in” a bit. I got up at 8:15. This is the exact same time I always get up, but usually the last hour consists of my lying in bed with my eyes squeezed shut trying desperately to ignore the pitter patter of little feet as they fly between bedrooms. I get the occasional burst-in of “Are you awake yet?” (NO!) and “Whachu dooning?” (Mommy’s still sleeping!)

On this day, the girls didn’t wake up until just after 8. It is amazing how refreshing and rejuvenating 1 extra hour can truly be—especially coming on the tail end of a kid-free weekend. It didn’t stop me from being flat out exhausted by noon, but it was nice nonetheless. At least someone else now knows just how exhausting my everyday life is.

A few Lexie quotes from the girls’ return after their 2-day visit:

  • I can’t believe how tired I am.
  • Do you know how early they got up?
  • I didn’t have a minute to myself all weekend.
  • I don’t even think I showered while they were there.

Welcome to my life!

Conversation with my little sister, Lexie, who is taking my girls for the weekend—for the first time ever, I might add:

Me: You aren’t planning to take the girls to the dress shop with you, are you?
Her: Yes.
Me: Do you want me to come with you?
Her: No, why?
Me: Have you met my kids?
Her: It’s only going to take a minute.
Me: Yes, a minute—with you stuck in one place surround by pins while my girls run wild around a bridal shop.
Her: They won’t be running wild. They’ll be sitting still behaving.
Me: uncontrollable laughing
Her: What?!
Me: more giggling wildly Have you met my children?
Her: They’ll be good—that’s how they get to eat McDonald’s.
Me: Okay, maybe you’re learning this mom thing.
Her: I had a plan! Don’t make me look like an idiot.

I completely devoured 2 books this weekend—neither of which was the book the entire rest of the country devoured. I’m on my library’s waiting list for that one. They’ve got 10 copies and I’m 19 on a list of 30 or 40. If I don’t have it by next weekend I’ll pilfer a copy from one of my sisters. (BTW, sis…if you still have the 5 books you borrowed from me last year, I’m really tired of watching the others tip over in their empty space.)

For now, I read the first two books in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (the third is also on reserve). Teenage chic lit, sure, but I actually enjoyed them. I think she very accurately captures the kinship and emotions of teenage girls. I wanted to read this series for two reasons.

  1. My sisters have been after me to read them for months. I sometimes feel so disconnected from them—being 7 and 11 years older, and hours away—that I tend to grasp at things we can share. Books and movies are a big one.
  2. I wanted to see the movie, though my sisters didn’t wait for me to catch up. I have this thing about reading the book first when a movie has been made from it. The catch is, if I have read the book I usually end up hating the movie. It never turns out quite like I pictured it in my head.

Happy Birthday to Amy, a frequent—yet silent—visitor!

No, I’m not talking about some ancient, secret, family recipe. I’m talking about my mom’s famous No-Bake Cookie recipe that I just can’t seem to hold onto. I’ve written it down—numerous times. Yet everytime I have a craving for them, the recipe is no where to be found. One night last month I called mom after midnight for it. Today I called her as she was putting her makeup on. She’ll probably be late for work, but my No-Bake Cookies are smelling good on the stove!

There is just something about small towns. I was driving down the road yesterday when a firetruck passed on the other side. The windshield said “Protectors of the Village.”

As for this village, we’re definitely not missing our idiot. I had to sit for an hour Monday with Spencer while he had his hand/thumb x-rayed. He fell off his skateboard. In the house. At midnight. Then he comes to bed, says not a word, and goes to sleep. The next morning when I asked why he stayed home from work, he says “I think I hurt my hand.”

Think? You mean the swelling wasn’t confirmation?

They took 3 different x-rays and still can’t tell if it’s broken. The doctor splinted it and plans to take more x-rays next week to see if there is a healing line. Then they’ll cast it. I knew something like this would happen as soon as he bought that damn thing.

This is why I insisted on full protective gear which, of course, he won’t wear in the house because it’s not like he’ll get hurt on the carpet or anything. I love you, you idiot.