Just Heather

I had some watermelon a few weeks ago. It was not great melon—pink, hard, not very juicy—but I could not get enough! I called my dad—official supplier of watermelon—to get some good stuff. None. The local season hasn’t started yet and they don’t have anything in the warehouse. Never fear! Grandpa to the rescue!

My grandfather had a Georgia melon transported up last week just for him. He promised to send a slice with my dad. If you knew Papaw, you would now what a total sacrifice this would be. I was expecting a small sliver, just a bit to curb my craving. I got the biggiest, juciest, best-tasting slice of watermelon you’ve ever seen! It was so good, I’ve had to control myself to make it last. I can’t wait until the Indiana season starts. I don’t take advantage of the free produce much, but I’ll make up for lost time this summer!

I’ve also been craving tomato-based products—chili, coneys, BLTs. The only thing the two fruits really have in common is lycopene. I didn’t think you could crave a pigment, but at least this baby should never have to worry about cancer. I’ve got your antioxidants right here!

Last night, Brenia left on her first “big girl” trip. She is spending the week with my parents. This is something she has done before, but only with her big sister along to keep her company. When she found out Stacia wasn’t going, she said no. Then I reminded her of all the fun she has at Grandma’s house—going to the park, swimming in the hot tub, seeing her aunt & uncle. We talked about the trip all week, with Brenia getting excited and Stacia getting upset about missing her.

Yesterday was the big day and as we’re getting ready to pack the suitcase, we had the following conversation:

Brenia: You tummy?
Me: My tummy? The baby is in my tummy.
Brenia: NO! You tummy?
Me: What?
Brenia: You tumming?
Me: Oh! Am I coming? Am I coming where?
Brenia: Mama’s.
Me: No. Mommy’s not coming with you.
Brenia: Oh, man.
Me: You get to go by yourself like a big girl.
Brenia: Myself? Oh, no. (long pause) My wuv park!

As soon as my parents arrived, Brenia looks them right in the eye and says “Park. Morrow.” Of course, it is supposed to rain today so the park is out. They’ll have to find an indoor substitute. Thoughts of the playground are all that’s keeping the apprehension at bay.

When the time came she wheeled her suitcase out proud as can be, climbed into her carseat, and was ready to go with barely a wave. Stacia cried, and I hugged her about 20 times. While I am so far enjoying my solitude and relaxation, I’m not sure I can make it the full 10 days we agreed upon. I just might have to hop in my car and retrieve her soon—if she can drag herself away from park long enough to notice me!

“I smile because you’re my sister. I laugh because there’s nothing you can do about it.” ~Unknown

Happy Birthday, sis!

Spencer and I have an arrangement on the weekends. He gets up with the girls on Saturday; I wake up with the girls on Sunday. It is supposed to be nice and relaxing for the other parent to sleep in on their “day off.” Yet every Saturday goes exactly like this:

Brenia: Hi, Mommy.
Me: Go see your daddy.
Brenia: Daddy nigh-nigh.
Me: I know Daddy’s nigh-nigh. So is Mommy. Go wake your daddy.
Enter Stacia.
Stacia: Morning, Mommy.
Me: Get your daddy.
Stacia: Daddy’s asleep.
Me: So am I.
Stacia: No you’re not. I saw your eyes open.
Me: It’s Saturday. Daddy wakes up on Saturday.
Stacia: Come on, Brenia. Let’s go play in my room.
Me: Spencer, the girls are up.
Spencer: grrr. zzzzzzzzzzz

This week has just been awful, thus the lack of posting. I still don’t quite feel like updating so you’ll have to deal with bullets:

  • Monday we went to a funeral. Spencer’s great-grandmother passed away over the weekend. She was 94 and lived a full life. I was always amazed at what she was doing well into her 90s. She was a sweet lady who adored my children—always a plus in my book.
  • Spencer is still sick. They ran several blood tests earlier this week, but can’t figure it out. They now have him on Zithromax and it seems to be working. I’m thinking it was just a particularly difficult strand of strep throat and the first antibiotic didn’t kick it.
  • All morning sickness all the time—I won’t go into details except to say that’s pretty much why I don’t post much. Something on the second floor makes me sick so I stay downstairs.
  • So much for laundry.
  • My first Brownie field trip was postponed. There will be no hiking in the rain for me. The girls did surprisingly well for our indoor activities considering the disappointment factor.
  • Stacia’s first soccer game of the season is tomorrow. I was so glad to hear the weather has cleared. They tell us repeatedly “soccer is an all-weather sport” which pretty much means prepare to sit in the mud.
  • Brenia is now officially known as Naked Baby. She has a new thing with spontaneous shedding of clothing. She likes to be “nake” and I just don’t have the energy to fight it. At least I’ve gotten her to quit including the diaper.
  • CBS just called to say they weren’t finished editing due to another out-of-town news story. The segment has been pushed back to next Friday night. Now I get to go about the process of calling those who were planning to watch me tonight—which pretty much includes everyone I know and lots of people I don’t.

I had an ultrasound today. Turns out I’m not as far along as we thought—by 2 whole weeks. Nothing like stretching out the morning sickness.

I went to my cousin’s wedding this weekend. It was a lot of fun, though I didn’t have nearly as much fun as my sis! Let’s just say she had a little bit to drink and leave it at that.

Subway no longer carries their BBQ Chicken sandwich. I know this because I checked 6 different ones today on my way back to town. Someone needs to tell Baby to pick a new craving.

Hubby is still sick. With both of us feeling lousy, things are starting to pile up something fierce. He’s going to have to stay home from work just because there are no clean clothes in the house.

I’ve got no clothes, period. I should not need maternity clothes this early, which is why I had let my best friend borrow them. Even when I found out I was pregnant, I thought I’d be good until she delivered next month. Not so much.

The kids stayed with my parents. They’ll be back tomorrow night. Since I’ll get to sleep in tomorrow, I’m hoping I’ll feel up to posting something a little more coherent then.

Be sure to wish the love of my life a happy birthday! Poor guy has strep throat on his birthday so it’s not starting out well for him. Head on over and give him some love!

How to Get Your Dad to Stop Speaking to You Indefinitely: Announce you spent your birthday at the tattoo parlor getting your nose pierced.

How to Get Your Dad to Start Speaking to You Again: Announce you are carrying his 3rd grandchild.